TA124 Lung cancer (non-small-cell) - pemetrexed: review decision - May 2012 information
A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Background information
Appendix A: decision paper presented to the Institute's Guidance Executive (PDF 148 KB)
Lung cancer (non-small-cell) - pemetrexed: review proposal - July 2011 information
Appendix B: proposal paper presented to the Institute's Guidance Executive (PDF 168 KB)
Appendix A: Decision paper considered by the Institute's Guidance Executive (PDF 88 KB)
A full list of the organisations contacted for this review (PDF 32 KB)
Proposal paper considered by the Institute's Guidance Executive (PDF 150 KB)
TA124 Lung cancer (non-small cell) - pemetrexed: distribution list (PDF 18 KB)
Lung cancer (non-small cell) - pemetrexed: appeal documents
Lung cancer (non-small cell) - pemetrexed: Result of appeal
Appeal announcement
Lung cancer (non-small cell) - pemetrexed: final appraisal determination
Lung cancer (non-small cell) - pemetrexed: final appraisal determination information
Evidence considered
Manufacturer submission
Expert written personal statements
Lung cancer (non-small-cell) - pemetrexed: evidence review group report (PDF 540 KB)
Evidence review group report - additional analysis (PDF 42 KB)
Consultee and Commentator comments on the appraisal consultation document
Lung cancer (non-small cell) - pemetrexed: final appraisal determination (PDF 73 KB)
summary table of web and public comments on the appraisal consultation document (PDF 31 KB)
Note on calculations performed at Committee Meeting (PDF 30 KB)