A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Review proposal consultation
Background information
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): equality impact assessment - guidance development
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): final appraisal determination
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): consultee and commentator comments on the ACD
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): Roche (PDF 157 KB)
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): Lilly (PDF 9.4 KB)
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): appraisal consultation
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): appraisal consultation
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): evaluation report
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): Evidence Review Group report
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): Roche (PDF 5.75 MB)
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): manufacturer PAS submission
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): clarification
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): patient group, professional group and NHS organisation submission statements
Lung cancer (non small cell, EGFR-TK mutation positive) - erlotinib (1st line): Lind (PDF 251 KB)