The Committee considered the results of the economic model. It noted that the manufacturer's base-case deterministic and probabilistic ICERs for apixaban compared with warfarin were £11,000 and £16,900 per QALY gained respectively, and that the ERG's revised deterministic base case, (see section 3.30) resulted in an ICER of £12,800 per QALY gained. The Committee noted that only one of the sensitivity analyses performed by the ERG (in which alternative second-line treatments rather than aspirin were considered, see section 3.31) influenced the results substantially. The Committee accepted the ERG's comment that this analysis should be interpreted with caution because the main driver of the ICER was discontinuation rates on first-line treatment. The Committee noted that the ERG's sensitivity analysis assuming stroke severity was independent of treatment had a modest effect on the ICER compared with warfarin (the ICER increased to £12,300 per QALY gained when stroke severity was assumed to be the same for all of the anticoagulants). The Committee concluded that apixaban had been shown to be cost effective compared with warfarin, the most plausible ICER being less than £20,000 per QALY gained, and could be recommended as an option for preventing stroke and systemic embolism for people with non-valvular atrial fibrillation who have 1 or more risk factors for stroke.