1 Recommendations


Tobramycin dry powder for inhalation (DPI) is recommended as an option for treating chronic pulmonary infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in people with cystic fibrosis only if:

  • nebulised tobramycin is considered an appropriate treatment, that is, when colistimethate sodium is contraindicated, is not tolerated or has not produced an adequate clinical response and

  • the manufacturer provides tobramycin DPI with the discount agreed as part of the patient access scheme to primary, secondary and tertiary care in the NHS.


Colistimethate sodium DPI is recommended as an option for treating chronic pulmonary infection caused by P. aeruginosa in people with cystic fibrosis only if:

  • they would clinically benefit from continued colistimethate sodium but do not tolerate it in its nebulised form and thus tobramycin therapy would otherwise be considered and

  • the manufacturer provides colistimethate sodium DPI with the discount agreed as part of the patient access scheme to primary, secondary and tertiary care in the NHS.


People currently using tobramycin DPI or colistimethate sodium DPI that is not recommended according to section 1.1 or 1.2 should be able to continue treatment until they and their clinician consider it appropriate to stop. For children and young people this decision should be made jointly by the clinician, the child or young person and their parents or carers.