
A list of downloadable documents created during development.

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab [ID74]: equality impact assessment - guidance review

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab [ID74]: final appraisal determination

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) -ipilimumab: Appraisal consultation

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab: Equality Impact Assessment

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab: response to consultee and commentator comments on the draft scope and provisional matrix

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab: final matrix

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab: final scope

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab in combination with dacarbazine: appendix B - final scope

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab in combination with dacarbazine: appendix C - final matrix

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab in combination with dacarbazine: appendix D - NICE's response to consultee and commentator comments on the draft scope

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab in combination with dacarbazine: equality impact assessment

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab in combination with dacarbazine: appendix A - draft scope

Melanoma (previously untreated unresectable stage III or IV) - ipilimumab in combination with dacarbazine: appendix B - provisional matrix