6 Appraisal Committee members and NICE project team

Appraisal Committee members

The Appraisal Committees are standing advisory committees of NICE. Members are appointed for a 3‑year term. A list of the Committee members who took part in the discussions for this appraisal appears below. There are 4 Appraisal Committees, each with a chair and vice chair. Each Appraisal Committee meets once a month, except in December when there are no meetings. Each Committee considers its own list of technologies, and ongoing topics are not moved between Committees.

Committee members are asked to declare any interests in the technology to be appraised. If it is considered there is a conflict of interest, the member is excluded from participating further in that appraisal.

The minutes of each Appraisal Committee meeting, which include the names of the members who attended and their declarations of interests, are posted on the NICE website.

Professor Gary McVeigh (Chair)
Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Queen's University Belfast and Consultant Physician, Belfast City Hospital

Dr Lindsay Smith (Vice Chair)
General Practitioner, West Coker Surgery, Somerset

Dr Aomesh Bhatt
Regulatory and Medical Affairs Director Europe and North America, Reckitt Benckiser

Dr Andrew Black
General Practitioner, Mortimer Medical Practice, Herefordshire

Professor David Bowen
Consultant Haematologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Dr Matthew Bradley
Therapy Area Leader, Global Health Outcomes, GlaxoSmithKline

Dr Ian Campbell
Honorary Consultant Physician, Llandough Hospital, Cardiff

Tracey Cole
Lay Member

Dr Ian Davidson
Lecturer in Rehabilitation, University of Manchester

John Dervan
Lay Member

Professor Simon Dixon
Professor of Health Economics, University of Sheffield

Dr Martin Duerden
Assistant Medical Director, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, North Wales

Susan Dutton
Senior Medical Statistician, Oxford Clinical Trials Research Unit

Dr Alexander Dyker
Consultant Physician, Wolfson Unit of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Newcastle

Christopher Earl
Surgical Care Practitioner, Wessex Neurological Centre at Southampton University Hospital

Gillian Ells
Prescribing Advisor – Commissioning, NHS Hastings and Rother and NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald

Professor Paula Ghaneh
Professor and Honorary Consultant Surgeon, University of Liverpool

Dr Susan Griffin
Research Fellow, Centre for Health Economics, University of York

Professor Carol Haigh
Professor in Nursing, Manchester Metropolitan University

Professor John Henderson
Professor of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, University of Bristol and Bristol Royal Hospital for Children

Dr Paul Hepple
General Practitioner, Muirhouse Medical Group

Professor John Hutton
Professor of Health Economics, University of York

Professor Peter Jones
Emeritus Professor of Statistics, Keele University

Professor Steven Julious
Professor of Medical Statistics, University of Sheffield

Dr Tim Kinnaird
Lead Interventional Cardiologist, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff

Warren Linley
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation, Bangor University

Professor Jonathan Michaels
Professor of Clinical Decision Science, University of Sheffield

Dr Malcolm Oswald
Lay Member

Professor Femi Oyebode
Professor of Psychiatry and Consultant Psychiatrist, The National Centre for Mental Health

Dr John Radford
Director of Public Health, Rotherham Primary Care Trust and Metropolitan Borough Council

Dr Mohit Sharma
Consultant in Public Health, Public Health England

Dr Brian Shine
Consultant Chemical Pathologist, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford

Dr Murray Smith
Associate Professor in Social Research in Medicines and Health, University of Nottingham

Paddy Storrie
Lay Member

Charles Waddicor
Chief Executive, NHS Berkshire West

NICE project team

Each technology appraisal is assigned to a team consisting of 1 or more health technology analysts (who act as technical leads for the appraisal), a technical adviser and a project manager.

Nwamaka Umeweni and Ian Watson
Technical Leads

Raisa Sidhu and Melinda Goodall
Technical Advisers

Kate Moore
Project Manager