6 Appraisal Committee members and NICE project team
Appraisal Committee members
The Appraisal Committees are standing advisory committees of NICE. Members are appointed for a 3 year term. A list of the Committee members who took part in the discussions for this appraisal appears below. There are 4 Appraisal Committees, each with a chair and vice chair. Each Appraisal Committee meets once a month, except in December when there are no meetings. Each Committee considers its own list of technologies, and ongoing topics are not moved between Committees.
Committee members are asked to declare any interests in the technology to be appraised. If it is considered there is a conflict of interest, the member is excluded from participating further in that appraisal.
The minutes of each Appraisal Committee meeting, which include the names of the members who attended and their declarations of interests, are posted on the NICE website.
Professor Andrew Stevens
Chair of Appraisal Committee C, Professor of Public Health, University of Birmingham
Professor Eugene Milne
Vice Chair of Appraisal Committee C, Director of Public Health for Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Kathryn Abel
Director of Centre for Women's Mental Health, University of Manchester
Dr David Black
Medical Director, NHS South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw
David Chandler
Lay Member
Gail Coster
Advanced Practice Sonographer, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Professor Peter Crome
Honorary Professor, Department of Primary Care and Population Health, University College London
Professor Rachel A Elliott
Lord Trent Professor of Medicines and Health, University of Nottingham
Dr Greg Fell
Consultant in Public Health, Bradford Metropolitan Borough Council
Dr Alan Haycox
Reader in Health Economics, University of Liverpool Management School
Emily Lam
Lay Member
Dr Nigel Langford
Consultant in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Acute Physician, Leicester Royal Infirmary
Dr Allyson Lipp
Principal Lecturer, University of South Wales
Dr Claire McKenna
Research Fellow in Health Economics, University of York
Dr Patrick McKiernan
Consultant Paediatrician, Birmingham Children's Hospital
Professor Gary McVeigh
Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Queen's University Belfast and Consultant Physician, Belfast City Hospital
Dr Andrea Manca
Health Economist and Senior Research Fellow, University of York
Dr Iain Miller
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Health Strategies Group
Dr Paul Miller
Director, Payer Evidence, Astrazeneca UK Ltd
Professor Stephen O'Brien
Professor of Haematology, Newcastle University
Dr Anna O'Neill
Deputy Head of Nursing and Healthcare School and Senior Clinical University Teacher, University of Glasgow
Alan Rigby
Academic Reader, University of Hull
Professor Peter Selby
Consultant Physician, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Matt Stevenson
Technical Director, School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield
Dr Paul Tappenden
Reader in Health Economic Modelling, School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield
Professor Robert Walton
Clinical Professor of Primary Medical Care, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Dr Judith Wardle
Lay Member
NICE project team
Each technology appraisal is assigned to a team consisting of 1 or more health technology analysts (who act as technical leads for the appraisal), a technical adviser and a project manager.
Ella Fields and Christian Griffiths
Technical Leads
Sally Doss
Technical Adviser
Nicole Fisher and Lori Farrar
Project Managers