What has NICE said?
Eribulin (Halaven) is recommended. It is a possible treatment for adults with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer if they have had 2 or more types of chemotherapy.
If you have locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer, and your doctor thinks that eribulin is the right treatment, you should be able to have it on the NHS.
If you are not eligible for treatment as described above, you should be able to continue taking eribulin until you and your doctor decide it is the right time to stop.
The condition and the treatment
Breast cancer that has spread to the surrounding tissue or to other parts of the body is known as locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer.
Eribulin is a drug that blocks the growth of cancer cells.
NHS Choices may be a good place to find out more.
These organisations can give you advice and support:
Breast Cancer Now, 0333 2070 300
Breast Cancer Care, 0808 800 6000
Breast Cancer UK, 0845 680 1322
Macmillan Cancer Support, 0800 808 0000
Cancer Research UK Patient Information (previously CancerHelp UK), 0808 800 4040
NICE is not responsible for the quality or accuracy of any information or advice provided by these organisations.