2 The technologies

Everolimus (Afinitor, Novartis)

Sunitinib (Sutent, Pfizer)

Marketing authorisations

Everolimus has a marketing authorisation for 'unresectable or metastatic, well- or moderately differentiated neuroendocrine tumours of pancreatic origin in adults with progressive disease' and 'unresectable or metastatic, well differentiated (grade 1 or grade 2) non-functional neuroendocrine tumours of gastrointestinal or lung origin in adults with progressive disease'.

Sunitinib has a marketing authorisation for 'unresectable or metastatic, well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours with disease progression in adults'.

Recommended doses and schedules

Everolimus is taken orally, 10 mg once daily.

Sunitinib is taken orally, 37.5 mg once daily.


£2,673.00 per 30-tablet (10 mg) pack (excluding VAT).

The company has agreed a patient access scheme with the Department of Health. This scheme provides a simple discount to the list price of everolimus with the discount applied at the point of purchase or invoice. The level of the discount is commercial in confidence. The Department of Health considered that this patient access scheme does not constitute an excessive administrative burden on the NHS.

£784.70 per 28-tablet (12.5 mg) pack (excluding VAT).

Costs may vary in different settings because of negotiated procurement discounts.

A complex patient access scheme for sunitinib is available in the NHS for other indications. However, the company did not request approval from the Department of Health for it to be considered in this appraisal. This appraisal only considered the list price.