Section 7 of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Constitution and Functions) and the Health and Social Care Information Centre (Functions) Regulations 2013 requires integrated care boards, NHS England and, with respect to their public health functions, local authorities to comply with the recommendations in this appraisal within 3 months of its date of publication. The normal period of compliance has been extended to 5 years for this technology because NHS England submitted a funding variation request, which was accepted by NICE after a period of public consultation. NHS England's justification for the funding variation request is:
Need for specialist support: People with diabetes, their families and their carers need training and specialist support to use insulin pumps, glucose monitors and hybrid closed loop (HCL) systems effectively.
Variation in access: Provision of diabetes technologies varies significantly across the country. Expertise in and capacity to provide insulin pump services are often concentrated in larger diabetes teaching centres, with fewer resources at smaller diabetes centres and district general hospitals.
Clinical capacity: There is a lack of adequately trained staff, so investment and time is needed to recruit and train staff to support effective use of HCL systems and reduce variation in access across the country.
Health inequalities: Without a planned introduction of HCL systems and continued investment in staffing capacity and training in HCL systems there is a risk of exacerbating health inequalities related to age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, language barriers, and access to smartphones and the internet, all of which could affect uptake of HCL systems.
Patient benefit: The phased rollout is not expected to adversely affect outcomes for people eligible for HCL systems. The National Diabetes Audit has shown that many people with type 1 diabetes have improved glycaemic control using continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps. Effective implementation of HCL systems will represent a further advance in achieving optimal glycaemic control.
Variation in procurement: Procurement of diabetes technologies varies considerably. To resolve this variation and ensure trusts can access nationally mandated cost-effective prices, NHS England will need to develop a new commercial framework through a formal procurement process. This is expected to take time and resource to develop and test with suppliers.
This extension is made under Section 7(5) of the Regulations.