Status | Topic selection |
Technology type | Medicine |
Decision | Not selected |
Reason for decision | Not eligible for Health Technology Evaluation guidance |
Further information | Decision makers have concluded that this technology will not progress as a potential technology appraisal or a highly specialised technology. This decision follows consideration of your product against the eligibility criteria. Please see the NICE wide topic prioritisation manual section 7.1.3 for more information on the eligibility and section criteria for technologies. Section 7.1.3 of the NICE-wide topic prioritisation: the manual states that new medicines that meet the criteria will be selected for assessment by the technology appraisal programme, except when there is a clear rationale not to do so. For example, it is appropriate to assess the medicine within a NICE guideline (for example, a new medicine within an existing class) |
ID number | 12034 |
Project Team
Project lead | Danielle Lees |
Email enquiries
- If you have any queries please email
Key events during the development of the guidance:
Date | Update |
24 June 2024 | Topic selection |
For further information on how we select topics for development, please see our page about topic selection