This webpage covers all NICE’s guidelines on women’s and reproductive health. The table presents the guidelines alphabetically. Updates planned or in progress and areas we’re actively monitoring are listed for each guideline, and there are links to the individual update pages for more information.



Updates planned and in progress

Key topic areas we’re actively monitoring

Abortion care

Anti-D prophylaxis


Antenatal care


Common problems: nausea and vomiting

Common problems: unexplained vaginal bleeding after 13 weeks

Caesarean birth


Planning mode of birth

Planned caesarean birth: placenta praevia and placenta accreta spectrum

Procedural aspects of caesarean birth: decision-to-birth interval for unplanned and emergency caesarean birth

Procedural aspects of caesarean birth: surgical techniques

Ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage: diagnosis and initial management


Early pregnancy assessment services

Management of miscarriage: threatened miscarriage 

Endometriosis: diagnosis and management


Surgical management

Diagnosing endometriosis


Fertility problems: assessment and treatment

Update in progress:

To be confirmed when the major update in progress is complete

Fetal monitoring in labour


Fetal blood sampling

Heavy menstrual bleeding: assessment and management


Management of heavy menstrual bleeding

Hypertension in pregnancy: diagnosis and management


Chronic hypertension: pre-pregnancy advice

Chronic hypertension: treatment during pregnancy

Gestational hypertension: assessment and treatment

Pre-eclampsia: treatment

Inducing labour


Induction in specific circumstances: pregnancy longer than 41 weeks

Induction in specific circumstances: suspected fetal macrosomia

Pharmacological and mechanical methods for inducing labour

Methods not recommended for induction of labour

Intrapartum care


Intrapartum care for women with existing medical conditions or obstetric complications and their babies


Breech presenting in labour

Maternal and child nutrition: nutrition and weight management in pregnancy, and nutrition in children up to 5 years


Menopause: diagnosis and management


Premature ovarian insufficiency: management

Identification and management

Polycystic ovary syndrome: diagnosis and management


Postnatal care


Organisation and delivery: transfer to community care

Postnatal care of the baby: bed sharing

Postnatal care of the baby: promoting emotional attachment


Pregnancy and complex social factors: a model for service provision for pregnant women with complex social factors


Antenatal care: general

Antenatal care: domestic abuse

Preterm labour and birth


Prophylactic vaginal progesterone and prophylactic cervical cerclage

Emergency cervical cerclage

Timing of cord clamping

Twin and triplet pregnancy


Fetal monitoring during labour


Areas for active monitoring are identified by our maintaining and updating our guideline portfolio process including validation with stakeholders.

Active monitoring is ongoing surveillance in key topic areas. It involves one or more of:

  • monitoring studies in progress by systematically searching for ongoing studies and assessing the results when published
  • monitoring newly published studies by continuous searching of newly published evidence
  • system monitoring by systematically collating intelligence from the health and care system and working with partners to identify areas of change.

Guideline recommendations are developed using the methods and processes in developing NICE guidelines: the manual and the interim principles for methods and processes for supporting digital living guideline recommendations.

If you have new information, intelligence or evidence relevant to any of the key topic areas listed above, please contact