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The percentage of patients with asthma on the register from (start date) with a record of spirometry and 1 other objective test (FeNO or reversibility or variability) between 3 months before or 3 months after diagnosis.

Indicator type

General practice indicator suitable for use in the Quality and Outcomes Framework.

This document does not represent formal NICE guidance. For a full list of NICE indicators, see our menu of indicators.

To find out how to use indicators and how we develop them, see our NICE indicator process guide.


The aim of this indicator is to encourage use of objective tests to confirm asthma diagnosis, and subsequently improve accuracy of diagnosis and reduce incidences of patients receiving inappropriate care. Results of testing should inform subsequent treatment for people with asthma and lead to improved health and wellbeing.

Source guidance

Asthma: diagnosis, monitoring and chronic asthma management. NICE guideline NG80 (2017, updated 2021), sections 1.3 and 1.4


Numerator: The number of patients in the denominator with a record of spirometry and 1 other objective test (FeNO or reversibility or variability) between 3 months before or 3 months after diagnosis.

Denominator: The number of patients with a new diagnosis of asthma and on the register from (start date).

Calculation: (Numerator/denominator)*100

Exclusions: Children under 5 years.

Minimum population: The indicator would be appropriate to assess performance at individual general practice level.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-5982-2