Tools and resources
Appendix G: Sources for evidence reviews
Appendix G: Sources for evidence reviews
The selection of sources to search for evidence reviews should be determined by the subject of the review question and the type of evidence sought (see the chapter of the manual on identifying the evidence: literature searching and evidence submission).
The following list is not exhaustive and other sources may be appropriate. To aid the selection of sources, the databases have been listed according to the primary focus of the subject coverage, but note many databases cover more than one subject.
Evidence reviews primarily make use of published studies and reports, but there may be occasions when sources of data at the individual patient level may be of benefit (for example, to verify the typical characteristics of a population of patients in England). Some tools for identifying sources of individual patient data are also listed.
The sources listed in the appendix on sources for scoping should also be considered for evidence review searches.
British Nursing Index (BNI)
Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)
Websites of HTA agencies
Sociology and social care
Social Services Abstracts
Websites of national organisations, for example, Care Quality Commission, Department of Health, NHS England, Public Health England, MHRA
Websites of professional bodies and other organisations relevant to the topic
Websites of research institutes and consultancies relevant to the topic
Websites of other organisations for people using services, including the target population, family members and carers
Conference abstracts
British Library Inside Conferences (BLIC)
Conference websites relevant to the topic
Ongoing trials
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