NICE process and methods
2 Evidence summaries
2.1 Aims
Evidence summaries aim to:
review the best available evidence on the use of 1 or several medicines for a specific indication in the context of other national guidance, which reduces duplication of effort at a national, regional or local level
provide consistent access to the best available information to guide national, regional or local decision making and planning
inform healthcare professional decision making.
2.2 Audience
Evidence summaries inform decision making for:
groups involved in:
national, regional or local commissioning or funding services using medicines (such as NHS England, Public Health England, regional medicines optimisation committees, local area prescribing committees, clinical commissioning groups [CCGs], NHS trusts or local health economies)
developing medicines optimisation policies
individual funding requests, for example, within a CCG or NHS trust
healthcare professionals caring for and making decisions with patients.
Evidence summaries may also be of interest to patients and the public, to help inform treatment choices.
2.3 Process steps
The process includes:
scoping the topic when identified or commissioned (see section 5)
identifying and selecting the best available evidence for the topic
summarising the selected evidence
critically reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of the selected evidence
advising on the place in therapy and, when applicable, agreeing an advisory statement
highlighting any potential implications for decision making or clinical practice
advising on resource impact, when applicable.