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Further information
Further information
General information about clinical guidelines on the NICE website
Our website contains the following general information about NICE and clinical guidelines:
lists of clinical guidelines that are published and in development
information on the NCCs
general information about how clinical guidelines are developed
The guidelines manual, which gives more detailed information about the methods used for developing NICE clinical guidelines
vacancies for the positions of GDG Chair and GDG members for each clinical guideline.
general information on the implementation of clinical guidelines:
examples of how organisations have successfully met the challenges of putting NICE guidance into practice (the shared learning database)
details of NICE commissioning guides, which provide support for the local implementation of clinical guidelines through commissioning
information on NICE's Patient and Public Involvement Programme (PPIP)
information on other types of NICE guidance.
Information about individual clinical guidelines
The following details for each clinical guideline will be made available on our website, and updated regularly:
the remit from the Department of Health or NHS Commissioning Board
a list of registered stakeholders
contact details of the NCC that is coordinating development of the guideline
information about the NICE project team for the guideline
a schedule for development of the guideline
the consultation draft of the scope
the final scope
a table of stakeholder comments on the consultation draft of the scope and responses
project history, and information on the progress of the guideline
members of the GDG
minutes of GDG meetings
the consultation draft of the guideline
a table of stakeholder comments on the consultation draft of the guideline and responses
all versions of the published guideline – full guideline, 'NICE guideline', NICE pathway and 'Information for the public'
tools to support implementation of the guideline.
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