Tools and resources

A3 Dealing with enquiries on GDG work

A3.1 Introduction

As a member of a GDG you will be considered by some to be a source of information, to have important influence or to be a lobbying target. This guidance will help you to deal with any enquiries you receive from individuals or organisations about your work on the GDG.

Although NICE will not publish your contact details anywhere, your name and the organisation that supported your application (if appropriate) will be published on the NICE website. Thus it may be easy for those who want to contact you to do so.

Just like the guideline you are developing, this document is guidance, not 'must do', and has been developed to support you in handling enquiries so that you do not feel obliged to deal with them yourself.

A3.2 Golden rules

Some things to remember when talking to anyone about the guideline you are developing:

  • Don't feel that you have to talk to anyone about the guideline: you can handle requests for information by offering to pass them on to someone who is able to deal with them (such as your lead contact at the NCC, the NICE Guidelines Commissioning Manager or the NICE communications lead).

  • Don't speculate on the content of the guideline before it is finally published.

  • Draft versions are just that: draft, not final; the content may change after consultation.

  • Individuals and organisations can influence the outcome of the guideline only by submitting evidence that supports their point of view as part of the formal consultation process.

  • You have not been selected to sit on the GDG to represent all patients, service users, clinicians, nurses or other healthcare professionals. You are there to provide your own expert opinion to the group.

  • In the unlikely event that you are contacted by telephone by an unpleasant or demanding caller, offer to pass the enquiry on to your NCC or NICE contact. Then tell the caller politely but firmly that you wish to end the call. If the caller persists, put the phone down.

A3.3 Flow chart for dealing with enquiries

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