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Showing 31 to 45 of 83 results for pregnancy complex social factors
This guideline covers the planning, delivery and review of social work interventions for adults who have complex needs. It promotes ways for social work professionals, other care staff and people with complex needs to work together to make decisions about care and support.
This guideline covers how to increase uptake of the free flu vaccination among people who are eligible. It describes ways to increase awareness and how to use all opportunities in primary and secondary care to identify people who should be encouraged to have the vaccination.
This guideline covers care for women of any age (including girls and young women under 18) who request an abortion. It aims to improve the organisation of services and make them easier for women to access. Detailed recommendations on conducting abortions at different gestational stages are also included, to ensure that women get the safest and most effective care possible.
This guideline covers assessing, diagnosing and managing physical health problems of people in prison. It aims to improve health and wellbeing in the prison population by promoting more coordinated care and more effective approaches to prescribing, dispensing and supervising medicines.
This guideline covers diagnosing and managing cystic fibrosis. It specifies how to monitor the condition and manage the symptoms to improve quality of life. There are also detailed recommendations on treating the most common infections in people with cystic fibrosis.
This quality standard covers assessing and diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in children and young people. It also covers support during pregnancy to prevent FASD. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
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This guideline covers the transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care homes for adults with social care needs. It aims to improve people's experience of admission to, and discharge from, hospital by better coordination of health and social care services.
Mental health of adults in contact with the criminal justice system (NG66)
This guideline covers assessing, diagnosing and managing mental health problems in adults (aged 18 and over) who are in contact with the criminal justice system. It aims to improve mental health and wellbeing in this population by establishing principles for assessment and management, and promoting more coordinated care planning and service organisation across the criminal justice system.
This guideline covers assessment, treatment, monitoring and inpatient care for children, young people and adults with eating disorders. It aims to improve the care people receive by detailing the most effective treatments for anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa.
This guideline covers the planning and management of end of life and palliative care for infants, children and young people (aged 0 to 17 years) with life-limiting conditions. It aims to involve children, young people and their families in decisions about their care, and improve the support that is available to them throughout their lives.
Transition between inpatient mental health settings and community or care home settings (NG53)
This guideline covers the period before, during and after a person is admitted to, and discharged from, a mental health hospital. It aims to help people who use mental health services, and their families and carers, to have a better experience of transition by improving the way it’s planned and carried out.
This guideline covers identifying, treating and managing depression in people aged 18 and over. It recommends treatments for first episodes of depression and further-line treatments, and provides advice on preventing relapse, and managing chronic depression, psychotic depression and depression with a coexisting diagnosis of personality disorder.
This guideline covers diagnosing and managing endometriosis, including where fertility is a priority. It aims to raise awareness of endometriosis symptoms, and to provide clear advice on referral, diagnosis and the range of treatments available.
This guideline covers management of acne vulgaris in primary and specialist care. It includes advice on topical and oral treatments (including antibiotics and retinoids), treatment using physical modalities, and the impact of acne vulgaris on mental health and wellbeing.
Integrated health and social care for people experiencing homelessness (NG214)
This guideline covers providing integrated health and social care services for people experiencing homelessness. It aims to improve access to and engagement with health and social care, and ensure care is coordinated across different services.