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This quality standard covers contraception for women, including emergency contraception. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS129Show all sections
This quality standard covers diagnosing and managing endometriosis in women and people, including those aged 17 and under. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
This quality standard covers referral and assessment for intermediate care and how to deliver the service. It covers bed-based intermediate care, crisis response, home-based intermediate care and reablement. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement. It does not cover rehabilitation for specific conditions.
This quality standard covers assessment, treatment, monitoring and care for children, young people and adults with an eating disorder. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS175Show all sections
Sections for QS175
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Early assessment and treatment
- Quality statement 2: Discussion about psychological treatment options
- Quality statement 3: First-line psychological treatment for binge eating disorder
- Quality statement 4: Bulimia-nervosa-focused family therapy
- Quality statement 5: Coordinated care across services
- Quality statement 6: Risk assessment when moving between services
- Update information
Learning disability: identifying and managing mental health problems (QS142)
This quality standard covers the prevention, assessment and management of mental health problems in people with learning disabilities in all settings (including health, social care, education, and forensic and criminal justice). It also covers family members, carers and care workers.
View quality statements for QS142Show all sections
Sections for QS142
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Annual health check
- Quality statement 2: Assessment by a professional with relevant expertise
- Quality statement 3: Key worker
- Quality statement 4: Tailoring psychological interventions
- Quality statement 5: Annually documenting the reasons for continuing antipsychotic drugs
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- About this quality standard
This quality standard covers diagnosing and managing menopause in women, trans men and non-binary people registered female at birth, including those who have premature ovarian insufficiency (menopause before the age of 40, which can occur naturally or as a result of medical or surgical treatment). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS143Show all sections
Sections for QS143
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Diagnosing perimenopause and menopause
- Quality statement 2: Diagnosing premature ovarian insufficiency
- Quality statement 3: Managing premature ovarian insufficiency
- Quality statement 4: Reviewing treatments for menopause-associated symptoms
- Quality statement 5: Information before treatment likely to cause menopause
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- About this quality standard
This quality standard covers the clinical care of adults (aged 18 and over) who are dying, during the last 2 to 3 days of life. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
This quality standard covers the clinical assessment and management of depression in adults aged 18 and over. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS8Show all sections
Sections for QS8
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Assessment
- Quality statement 2: Discussing treatment options
- Quality statement 3: Preventing relapse
- Quality statement 4: Stopping antidepressants
- Quality statement 5: Access to services for adults from minority ethnic backgrounds
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This quality standard covers treating and managing psychosis and schizophrenia in adults (aged 18 and over) in primary, secondary and community care. It also includes support for the families and carers of people with psychosis or schizophrenia. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS80Show all sections
Sections for QS80
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Referral to early intervention in psychosis services
- Quality statement 2: Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Quality statement 3: Family intervention
- Quality statement 4: Treatment with clozapine
- Quality statement 5: Supported employment programmes
- Quality statement 6: Assessing physical health
- Quality statement 7: Promoting healthy eating, physical activity and smoking cessation
All NICE products on socio-economic status. Includes any guidance.
All NICE products on people with learning disabilities. Includes any guidance and quality standards.
All NICE products on faltering growth. Includes any guidance and quality standards.
All NICE products on hepatitis. Includes any guidance, advice and quality standards.
This quality standard covers diagnosing and managing urinary tract infections in adults aged 16 and over. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS90Show all sections
Sections for QS90
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Diagnosing urinary tract infections in women under 65
- Quality statement 2: Diagnosing urinary tract infections in adults with catheters
- Quality statement 3: Antibiotic treatment for asymptomatic bacteriuria in men and non-pregnant women
- Quality statement 4: Duration of antibiotic treatment for urinary tract infection
- Quality statement 5: Referring adults with recurrent urinary tract infection
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- About this quality standard
This quality standard covers diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and management of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in adults aged over 18. This quality standard describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement. It does not cover national initiatives, such as cancer screening or audit.
View quality statements for QS177Show all sections
Sections for QS177
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Specialist pancreatic cancer multidisciplinary teams
- Quality statement 2: Staging using FDG-PET/CT
- Quality statement 3: Resectional surgery
- Quality statement 4: Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy
- Quality statement 5 (placeholder): Effective interventions to address psychological needs
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- About this quality standard