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Showing 166 to 180 of 291 results for birth
This guideline covers antenatal care for all pregnant women with complex social factors (particularly alcohol or drug misuse, recent migrant or asylum seeker status, difficulty reading or speaking English, aged under 20, domestic abuse). It offers advice on improving access to care, maintaining contact with antenatal carers, and additional information and support for these women.
This guideline covers contraceptive services for under-25s. It aims to ensure all under-25s are given advice and information on all types of contraception. This includes additional tailored support to meet the particular needs and choices of those who are socially disadvantaged or who may find it difficult to use these services.
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Evidence-based recommendations on endovascular closure of atrial septal defect. This involves inserting a small blocking device into the heart, which is gently inflated to close the hole.
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Sections for IPG96
Evidence-based recommendations on tenotomy of horizontal eye muscles for nystagmus (with reattachment at their original insertions). This involves cutting the horizontal muscles of the eye (which move the eye from side to side) and reattaching them at the same place.
View recommendations for IPG299Show all sections
Sections for IPG299
Suspected sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and early management (NG51)
This guideline covers the recognition, diagnosis and early management of suspected sepsis. It includes recommendations on recognition and early assessment, initial treatment, escalating care, finding and controlling the source of infection, early monitoring, information and support, and training and education.
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Sections for NG51
- Overview
- Could this be sepsis?
- Face to face assessment
- Under 16s: evaluating risk and managing suspected sepsis
- Pregnant or recently pregnant people: evaluating risk and managing suspected sepsis
- Over 16s (not pregnant or recently pregnant): evaluating risk and managing suspected sepsis
- Antibiotic therapy, intravenous fluid and oxygen
- Finding and controlling the source of infection
Pegaspargase for treating acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (TA408)
Evidence-based recommendations on pegaspargase (Oncaspar) for treating acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
(including the need for further surgery), and long-term disability after birth. Source guidance details Comes from guidance Open prenatal
This guideline covers managing spasticity and co-existing motor disorders and their early musculoskeletal complications in children and young people (from birth up to their 19th birthday) with non-progressive brain disorders. It aims to reduce variation in practice and help healthcare professionals to select and use appropriate treatments.
(including the need for further surgery) and long-term disability after birth. Source guidance details Comes from guidance Open prenatal
Hybrid procedure for interim management of hypoplastic left heart syndrome in neonates (IPG246)
Evidence-based recommendations on hybrid procedure for interim management of hypoplastic left heart syndrome in neonates. This involves placing bands around the branches of the pulmonary artery and inserting stents to keep the ductus arteriosus open.
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Sections for IPG246
Thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in neonates (IPG379)
Evidence-based recommendations on thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in neonates. This involves inserting surgical instruments through small cuts in the chest, and then moving the abdominal organs out of the chest and repairing the diaphragm.
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Sections for IPG379
This guideline covers the assessment and management of melanoma (a type of skin cancer) in children, young people and adults. It aims to reduce variation in practice and improve survival.
This guideline covers the planning and management of end of life and palliative care for infants, children and young people (aged 0 to 17 years) with life-limiting conditions. It aims to involve children, young people and their families in decisions about their care, and improve the support that is available to them throughout their lives.
children and young people transitioning out of care to living with adoptive or birth parents or special guardians, or into connected...
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in children and young people: diagnosis and management (NG1)
This guideline covers diagnosing and managing gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in children and young people (under 18s). It aims to raise awareness of symptoms that need investigating and treating, and to reassure parents and carers that regurgitation is common in infants under 1 year.