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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 1 to 15 of 291 results for birth

  1. Caesarean birth (NG192)

    This guideline covers when to offer and discuss caesarean birth, procedural aspects of the operation, and care after caesarean birth. It aims to improve the consistency and quality of care for women and pregnant people who are thinking about having a caesarean birth or have had a caesarean birth in the past and are now pregnant again.

  2. Preterm labour and birth (NG25)

    This guideline covers the care of women with a singleton pregnancy at increased risk of, or with symptoms and signs of, preterm labour (before 37 weeks), and women with a singleton pregnancy having a planned preterm birth. It aims to reduce the risks of preterm birth for the baby and describes treatments to prevent or delay early labour and birth.

  3. Caesarean birth (QS32)

    This quality standard covers the care of pregnant women or pregnant people who are considering having or may need to have a caesarean birth, including those who have had a caesarean birth in the past. It includes decision making, reducing the risk of complications and care after a caesarean birth. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  4. Preterm labour and birth (QS135)

    This quality standard covers care for pregnant women who may be at risk of, or have symptoms and signs of, starting labour and giving birth early (preterm). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  5. Intrapartum care (NG235)

    This guideline covers the care of women and their babies during labour and immediately after birth. It focuses on women who give birth between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy (‘term’). The guideline helps women to make informed choices about where to have their baby and about their care in labour. It also aims to reduce variation in aspects of care.

  6. Inducing labour (NG207)

    This guideline covers the circumstances for inducing labour, methods of induction, assessment, monitoring, pain relief and managing complications. It aims to improve advice and care for pregnant women who are thinking about or having induction of labour.

  7. Twin and triplet pregnancy (NG137)

    This guideline covers care for pregnant women and pregnant people with a twin or triplet pregnancy in addition to routine care during pregnancy and labour. It aims to reduce the risk of complications and improve outcomes.

  8. Hypertension in pregnancy: diagnosis and management (NG133)

    This guideline covers diagnosing and managing hypertension (high blood pressure), including pre-eclampsia, during pregnancy, labour and birth. It also includes advice for women with hypertension who wish to conceive and women who have had a pregnancy complicated by hypertension. It aims to improve care during pregnancy, labour and birth for women and their babies.

  9. Intrapartum care for women with existing medical conditions or obstetric complications and their babies (NG121)

    This guideline covers care during labour and birth for women who need extra support because they have a medical condition or complications in their current or previous pregnancy. The guideline also covers women who have had no antenatal care. It aims to improve experiences and outcomes for women and their babies.

  10. Pregnancy and neonates: low birth weight (IND22)

    This indicator covers the proportion of full-term births where the child has a low birth weight. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as CCG35

  11. Postnatal care (NG194)

    This guideline covers the routine postnatal care that women and their babies should receive in the first 8 weeks after the birth. It includes the organisation and delivery of postnatal care, identifying and managing common and serious health problems in women and their babies, how to help parents form strong relationships with their babies, and baby feeding. The recommendations on emotional attachment and baby feeding also cover the antenatal period.

  12. Diabetes in pregnancy: management from preconception to the postnatal period (NG3)

    This guideline covers managing diabetes and its complications in women who are planning pregnancy or are already pregnant. It aims to improve the diagnosis of gestational diabetes and help women with diabetes to self-manage their blood glucose levels before and during pregnancy.

  13. Intrapartum care (QS105)

    This quality standard covers the care of women and their babies during labour and immediately after the birth. It covers women who go into labour at term, and includes women at low risk of complications during labour and those who go on to develop complications. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  14. Menopause (QS143)

    This quality standard covers diagnosing and managing menopause in women, trans men and non-binary people registered female at birth, including those who have premature ovarian insufficiency (menopause before the age of 40, which can occur naturally or as a result of medical or surgical treatment). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  15. Fetal monitoring in labour (NG229)

    This guideline covers methods for monitoring the wellbeing of the baby during labour. It includes risk assessment to determine the appropriate level of fetal monitoring, using clinical assessment in addition to fetal monitoring, and interpreting and acting on monitoring findings.