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Showing 346 to 352 of 352 results for depression
Dr Sam Roberts, chief executive at NICE, looks back at NICE's achievements over the past year and discusses our priorities for 2023.
Nine treatment options to be made available for adults with depression or an anxiety disorder
Six digitally enabled therapies for adults with anxiety disorders and three for adults with depression have been recommended for use in the NHS.
NICE's Early Value Assessment for Medtech: panning for nuggets of innovation gold
Early Value Assessment for Medtech and how it will offer a rapid assessment of digital products, devices and diagnostics for clinical effectiveness and value for money.
NICE recommends 8 digitally enabled therapies to treat depression and anxiety
Eight digital enabled therapies to treat depression and anxiety disorders in adults have been conditionally recommended by NICE in draft guidance.
Draft guidance recommends healthcare professionals ask people about gambling
Health professionals should ask people about gambling if they attend a health check or GP appointment with a mental health problem, in a similar way to how people are asked about their smoking and alcohol consumption, according to new draft guidance.
NICE’s priority is to get the best care to patients fast while ensuring value for the taxpayer.
NICE recommends range of treatments for people with chronic primary pain
People with chronic primary pain should be offered a range of treatments to help them manage their condition.