We're committed to involving people who use services, carers and the public in the development of our guidance and other products.
Your involvement means our products are focused around the people most directly affected by our recommendations.
Involving you in the development of our guidance
We need you! People with lived experience. Real people. Real lives. Whether you use health and care services or represent those who do within the voluntary and community sector. We want you to help in the development of our guidance, get involved in our work and help us to improve NHS and care services for other people.
We know the difference that reflecting lived experience makes to our work, and ultimately to the lives of people who use services, to carers and to the public. Having real stories and experiences at the heart of NICE guidance means our products are focused around the needs and preferences of the people most directly affected by our recommendations.
We will provide you with tailored advice and support, travel and accommodation if required and remburse reasonable expenses and an attendance fee.
For further information, please see our patient and public involvement policy.
Making a positive impact: people and communities case studies
How can I get involved?
There are different ways to get involved in NICE’s work and help us to improve NHS and care services for other people – either those who are like you, or those communities you represent as part of voluntary and community sector organisation.
For more information about exactly how you can get involved in the work that we do, select the option that best describes your expertise or background:
Getting involved as someone working with a voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisation
- help to develop our guidance and standards
- attend inductions to understand how we work
- find out ways to put our guidance into practice.
- join a committee to help develop our guidance and standards
- comment on guidance that's being developed
- get support from our people and communities team.
The following opportunities are open to everyone, whether you have lived experience or work with a voluntary and community sector organisation:
Join a committee or working group
Our committees develop and update our guidance. Use your experiences and expertise to help shape our guidance and standards as a lay member. Lay members contribute the perspectives of people who use services, carers or specific communities to a committee's work.
We run public consultations on some scopes (or plans) for our guidance, our draft guidance and proposals on whether guidance already published by NICE should be updated. These consultations are your chance to let us know what you think.
Changing how we work alongside people and communities
We’re changing things up at NICE, to do more to capture the collective wisdom and experiences of the people and wider communities we serve.
Our new strategy for working alongside people and communities at NICE will enable us to have a best practice approach to involvement and engagement, to improve the impact of our guidance and ensure the best care for people and communities.
The strategy sets out how we will progress and further develop our approach to people and community involvement and engagement, and what everyone can expect from working together.
Talk to us
Do you have questions about getting involved with our work? Do you want to know more about how we do what we do? Get in touch.
Our dedicated team develops and supports the involvement of members of the public, carers, people who use NHS and care services and the organisations who represent their interests.
You can either email us at pacn@nice.org.uk or give us a call on 0161 870 3020.