Search strategy

Search strategy

Database: Medline Version: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1946 to September Week 4 2016> Search date: 12/10/16

1 exp Mitochondrial Diseases/ (13217)

2 (mitochondrial and (disease* or disorder* or myopath* or encephalomyopath* or encephalopath*)).ti,ab. (34162)

3 ("chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia" or CPEO or (opthalmoplegia adj5 progressive)).ti,ab. (279)

4 "cytochrome-c oxidase deficien*".ti,ab. (390)

5 "infantile myopathy".ti,ab. (19)

6 Acidosis, Lactic/ (2890)

7 lactic acidosis.ti,ab. (5130)

8 Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber/ or (optic nerve/ and (atrophy/ or optic atrophy/)) (1545)

9 "retinitis pigmentosa".ti,ab. (6032)

10 retinitis pigmentosa/ (6652)

11 ataxia.ti,ab. (26804)

12 ataxia/ (7189)

13 ("leber hereditary optic neuropathy" or LHON or (leber adj5 neuropath*)).ti,ab. (922)

14 MERRF syndrome/ (325)

15 Kearns-Sayre syndrome/ (615)

16 Leigh disease/ (901)

17 (((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 syndrome*) or ((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 disease*)).ti,ab. (2157)

18 (MIDD or MNGIE or MERRF or NARP or KSS).ti,ab. (1812)

19 (maternal* adj5 diabetes adj5 deafness).ti,ab. (177)

20 ((pyruvate adj5 carboxylase adj5 deficiency adj5 disease) or "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency disease*").ti,ab. (4)

21 or/1-20 (82470)

22 Ubiquinone/ (8104)

23 ("coenzyme Q10" or "coenzyme Q" or "co enzyme Q10" or CoQ or CoQ10 or ubiquinone or ubidecarenone).ti,ab. (9869)

24 or/22-23 (11944)

25 21 and 24 (1331)

26 (infant* or newborn or "new-born*" or perinat or neonat or baby or babies or toddler* or minor or minors or boy or boys or boyhood or girl* or kid or kids or child or children or schoolchild* or "school age" or schoolage* or adolescen* or juvenil* or youth* or "young person*" or "young people" or youngster* or teen* or "under*age" or pubescen* or pediatric* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or preterm*).ti,ab,jw. (1985217)

27 Pediatrics/ (47831)

28 exp Child/ (1713193)

29 exp Infant/ (1034267)

30 Adolescent/ (1782191)

31 or/26-30 (3679621)

32 25 and 31 (361)

33 limit 32 to english language (326)

34 animals/ not humans/ (4292287)

35 33 not 34 (321)

36 letter/ or historical article/ or comment/ or editorial/ (1766982)

37 35 not 36 (312)

Medline Version: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1946 to September Week 4 2016> Search date: 12/10/16

1 exp Mitochondrial Diseases/ (13217)

2 (mitochondrial and (disease* or disorder* or myopath* or encephalomyopath* or encephalopath*)).ti,ab. (34162)

3 ("chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia" or CPEO or (opthalmoplegia adj5 progressive)).ti,ab. (279)

4 "cytochrome-c oxidase deficien*".ti,ab. (390)

5 "infantile myopathy".ti,ab. (19)

6 Acidosis, Lactic/ (2890)

7 lactic acidosis.ti,ab. (5130)

8 Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber/ or (optic nerve/ and (atrophy/ or optic atrophy/)) (1545)

9 "retinitis pigmentosa".ti,ab. (6032)

10 retinitis pigmentosa/ (6652)

11 ataxia.ti,ab. (26804)

12 ataxia/ (7189)

13 ("leber hereditary optic neuropathy" or LHON or (leber adj5 neuropath*)).ti,ab. (922)

14 MERRF syndrome/ (325)

15 Kearns-Sayre syndrome/ (615)

16 Leigh disease/ (901)

17 (((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 syndrome*) or ((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 disease*)).ti,ab. (2157)

18 (MIDD or MNGIE or MERRF or NARP or KSS).ti,ab. (1812)

19 (maternal* adj5 diabetes adj5 deafness).ti,ab. (177)

20 ((pyruvate adj5 carboxylase adj5 deficiency adj5 disease) or "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency disease*").ti,ab. (4)

21 or/1-20 (82470)

22 Ubiquinone/ (8104)

23 ("coenzyme Q10" or "coenzyme Q" or "co enzyme Q10" or CoQ or CoQ10 or ubiquinone or ubidecarenone).ti,ab. (9869)

24 or/22-23 (11944)

25 21 and 24 (1331)

26 (infant* or newborn or "new-born*" or perinat or neonat or baby or babies or toddler* or minor or minors or boy or boys or boyhood or girl* or kid or kids or child or children or schoolchild* or "school age" or schoolage* or adolescen* or juvenil* or youth* or "young person*" or "young people" or youngster* or teen* or "under*age" or pubescen* or pediatric* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or preterm*).ti,ab,jw. (1985217)

27 Pediatrics/ (47831)

28 exp Child/ (1713193)

29 exp Infant/ (1034267)

30 Adolescent/ (1782191)

31 or/26-30 (3679621)

32 25 and 31 (361)

33 limit 32 to english language (326)

34 animals/ not humans/ (4292287)

35 33 not 34 (321)

36 letter/ or historical article/ or comment/ or editorial/ (1766982)

37 35 not 36 (312)

Embase <1974 to 2016 Week 41> Search date: 4/10/16

1 exp "disorders of mitochondrial functions"/ (32159)

2 (mitochondrial and (disease* or disorder* or myopath* or encephalomyopath* or encephalopath*)).ti,ab. (50908)

3 enchephalomyopathy/ (0)

4 ("chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia" or CPEO or (opthalmoplegia adj5 progressive)).ti,ab. (373)

5 external opthalmoplegia/ (0)

6 "cytochrome-c oxidase deficien*".ti,ab. (457)

7 "infantile myopathy".ti,ab. (20)

8 lactic acidosis/ (11066)

9 lactic acidosis.ti,ab. (7311)

10 Leber hereditary optic neuropathy/ or optic nerve atrophy/ (8154)

11 ("leber hereditary optic neuropathy" or LHON or (leber adj5 neuropath*)).ti,ab. (1225)

12 retinitis pigmentosa.ti,ab. (7265)

13 retinisis pigmentosa/ (0)

14 ataxia.ti,ab. (37143)

15 ataxia/ (25219)

16 MERRF syndrome/ (592)

17 Kearns Sayre syndrome/ (1231)

18 Leigh disease/ (2082)

19 NARP syndrome/ (188)

20 (((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 syndrome*) or ((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 disease*)).ti,ab. (3087)

21 (MIDD or MNGIE or MERRF or NARP or KSS).ti,ab. (2713)

22 (maternal* adj5 diabetes adj5 deafness).ti,ab. (217)

23 ((pyruvate adj5 carboxylase adj5 deficiency adj5 disease) or "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency disease*").ti,ab. (6)

24 or/1-23 (140126)

25 ubidecarenone/ or ubiquinone/ (13870)

26 ("coenzyme Q10" or "coenzyme Q" or "co enzyme Q10" or CoQ orCoQ10 or ubiquinone or ubidecarenone).ti,ab. (11361)

27 or/25-26 (16990)

28 24 and 27 (2911)

29 (infant* or newborn or "new-born*" or perinat or neonat or baby or babies or toddler* or minor or minors or boy or boys or boyhood or girl* or kid or kids or child or children or schoolchild* or "school age" or schoolage* or adolescen* or juvenil* or youth* or "young person*" or "young people" or youngster* or teen* or "under*age" or pubescen* or pediatric* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or preterm*).ti,ab,jw. (2595442)

30 pediatrics/ (81865)

31 child/ (1611104)

32 infant/ (594689)

33 adolescent/ (1390268)

34 or/29-33 (3704989)

35 28 and 34 (680)

36 limit 35 to english language (642)

37 nonhuman/ not human/ (3671252)

38 36 not 37 (634)

39 limit 38 to (editorial or letter) (10)

40 38 not 39 (624)

Cochrane/CRD databases Version: CDSR – october 16

CENTRAL – September 16

#1 [mh "mitochondrial diseases"] 100

#2 (mitochondrial and (disease* or disorder* or myopath* or encephalomyopath* or encephalopath*)):ti,ab 295

#3 ("chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia" or CPEO or (opthalmoplegia adj5 progressive)):ti,ab 4

#4 "cytochrome-c oxidase deficien*":ti,ab 0

#5 "infantile myopathy":ti,ab 0

#6 [mh "acidosis, lactic"] 66

#7 lactic acidosis:ti,ab 240

#8 [mh "optic atrophy, hereditary, leber"] or [mh "optic atrophy"] 33

#9 "retinitis pigmentosa":ti,ab 121

#10 [mh "retinitis pigmentosa"] 67

#11 ataxia:ti,ab 415

#12 [mh ataxia] 157

#13 ("leber hereditary optic neuropathy" or LHON or (leber adj5 neuropath*)):ti,ab 15

#14 [mh "MERRF syndrome"] 0

#15 [mh "kearns-sayre syndrome"] 0

#16 [mh "leigh disease"] 0

#17 (((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 syndrome*) or ((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 disease*)):ti,ab 0

#18 (MIDD or MNGIE or MERRF or NARP or KSS):ti,ab 147

#19 (maternal* adj5 diabetes adj5 deafness):ti,ab 0

#20 ((pyruvate adj5 carboxylase adj5 deficiency adj5 disease) or "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency disease*"):ti,ab 0

#21 {or #1-#20} 1342

#22 [mh ubiquinone] 348

#23 ("coenzyme Q10" or "coenzyme Q" or "co enzyme Q10" or CoQ or CoQ10 or ubiquinone or ubidecarenone):ti,ab 581

#24 {or #22-#23} 640

#25 #21 and #24 76

#26 (infant* or newborn or "new-born*" or perinat or neonat or baby or babies or toddler* or minor or minors or boy or boys or boyhood or girl* or kid or kids or child or children or schoolchild* or "school age" or schoolage* or adolescen* or juvenil* or youth* or "young person*" or "young people" or youngster* or teen* or "under*age" or pubescen* or pediatric* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or preterm*):ti,ab 112733

#27 [mh paediatrics] 0

#28 [mh child] 200

#29 [mh infant] 14594

#30 [mh adolescent] 86804

#31 {or #26-#30} 182210

#32 #25 and #31 27

Updated searches

Searches run on 1/12/16. This looked for coenzyme and mitochondrial terms without the children limit, but with the original searches added on afterwards to exclude anything already sifted. In Medline and Embase these searches were limited just to RCTs since 2011. In both databases this includes an 'entry date' limit rather than just a year limit, this allows for anything added to the database since the specified date.

Medline Version: Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to November Week 4 2016 Search date: 01/12/16

1 exp Mitochondrial Diseases/ (14816)

2 (mitochondrial and (disease* or disorder* or myopath* or encephalomyopath* or encephalopath*)).ti,ab. (40138)

3 ("chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia" or CPEO or (opthalmoplegia adj5 progressive)).ti,ab. (312)

4 "cytochrome-c oxidase deficien*".ti,ab. (454)

5 "infantile myopathy".ti,ab. (20)

6 Acidosis, Lactic/ (3037)

7 lactic acidosis.ti,ab. (5404)

8 Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber/ or (optic nerve/ and (atrophy/ or optic atrophy/)) (1710)

9 "retinitis pigmentosa".ti,ab. (6899)

10 retinitis pigmentosa/ (7367)

11 ataxia.ti,ab. (29767)

12 ataxia/ (7673)

13 ("leber hereditary optic neuropathy" or LHON or (leber adj5 neuropath*)).ti,ab. (1074)

14 MERRF syndrome/ (350)

15 Kearns-Sayre syndrome/ (647)

16 Leigh disease/ (976)

17 (((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 syndrome*) or ((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 disease*)).ti,ab. (2318)

18 (MIDD or MNGIE or MERRF or NARP or KSS).ti,ab. (1973)

19 (maternal* adj5 diabetes adj5 deafness).ti,ab. (188)

20 ((pyruvate adj5 carboxylase adj5 deficiency adj5 disease) or "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency disease*").ti,ab. (4)

21 or/1-20 (93103)

22 Ubiquinone/ (8664)

23 ("coenzyme Q10" or "coenzyme Q" or "co enzyme Q10" or CoQ or CoQ10 or ubiquinone or ubidecarenone).ti,ab. (10649)

24 or/22-23 (12891)

25 21 and 24 (1521)

26 exp Mitochondrial Diseases/ (14816)

27 (mitochondrial and (disease* or disorder* or myopath* or encephalomyopath* or encephalopath*)).ti,ab. (40138)

28 ("chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia" or CPEO or (opthalmoplegia adj5 progressive)).ti,ab. (312)

29 "cytochrome-c oxidase deficien*".ti,ab. (454)

30 "infantile myopathy".ti,ab. (20)

31 Acidosis, Lactic/ (3037)

32 lactic acidosis.ti,ab. (5404)

33 Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber/ or (optic nerve/ and (atrophy/ or optic atrophy/)) (1710)

34 "retinitis pigmentosa".ti,ab. (6899)

35 retinitis pigmentosa/ (7367)

36 ataxia.ti,ab. (29767)

37 ataxia/ (7673)

38 ("leber hereditary optic neuropathy" or LHON or (leber adj5 neuropath*)).ti,ab. (1074)

39 MERRF syndrome/ (350)

40 Kearns-Sayre syndrome/ (647)

41 Leigh disease/ (976)

42 (((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 syndrome*) or ((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 disease*)).ti,ab. (2318)

43 (MIDD or MNGIE or MERRF or NARP or KSS).ti,ab. (1973)

44 (maternal* adj5 diabetes adj5 deafness).ti,ab. (188)

45 ((pyruvate adj5 carboxylase adj5 deficiency adj5 disease) or "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency disease*").ti,ab. (4)

46 or/26-45 (93103)

47 Ubiquinone/ (8664)

48 ("coenzyme Q10" or "coenzyme Q" or "co enzyme Q10" or CoQ or CoQ10 or ubiquinone or ubidecarenone).ti,ab. (10649)

49 or/47-48 (12891)

50 46 and 49 (1521)

51 (infant* or newborn or "new-born*" or perinat or neonat or baby or babies or toddler* or minor or minors or boy or boys or boyhood or girl* or kid or kids or child or children or schoolchild* or "school age" or schoolage* or adolescen* or juvenil* or youth* or "young person*" or "young people" or youngster* or teen* or "under*age" or pubescen* or pediatric* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or preterm*).ti,ab,jw. (2118308)

52 Pediatrics/ (52714)

53 exp Child/ (1803789)

54 exp Infant/ (1084154)

55 Adolescent/ (1893732)

56 or/51-55 (3900787)

57 50 and 56 (419)

58 limit 57 to english language (381)

59 animals/ not humans/ (4636427)

60 58 not 59 (375)

61 letter/ or historical article/ or comment/ or editorial/ (1994865)

62 60 not 61 (362)

63 randomized controlled (469510)

64 randomized controlled trial/ (469510)

65 controlled clinical (95053)

66 random allocation/ (95156)

67 Placebos/ (35356)

68 clinical trial, phase ii/ or clinical trial, phase iii/ (43306)

69 63 or 64 or 65 or 66 or 67 or 68 (667071)

70 Observational Study as Topic/ (1999)

71 Observational Study/ (30201)

72 Epidemiologic Studies/ (7951)

73 exp Case-Control Studies/ (876991)

74 exp Cohort Studies/ (1714267)

75 Cross-Sectional Studies/ (255001)

76 Comparative (1882146)

77 case control*.tw. (101250)

78 case (44269)

79 (cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. (124992)

80 cohort analy*.tw. (5123)

81 (follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. (42365)

82 (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. (61166)

83 (179019)

84 (424945)

85 (336596)

86 cross (220130)

87 or/70-86 (3970287)

88 62 and 87 (56)

89 62 and 69 (26)

90 88 or 89 (73)

91 25 not 90 (1448)

92 Randomized Controlled (469510)

93 Controlled Clinical (95053)

94 Clinical (527441)

95 exp Clinical Trials as Topic/ (323082)

96 Placebos/ (35356)

97 Random Allocation/ (95156)

98 Double-Blind Method/ (147714)

99 Single-Blind Method/ (24543)

100 Cross-Over Studies/ (42595)

101 ((random* or control* or clinical*) adj3 (trial* or stud*)).tw. (938615)

102 (random* adj3 allocat*).tw. (25283)

103 placebo*.tw. (182790)

104 ((singl* or doubl* or trebl* or tripl*) adj (blind* or mask*)).tw. (144623)

105 (crossover* or (cross adj over*)).tw. (67837)

106 or/92-105 (1681657)

107 animals/ not humans/ (4636427)

108 106 not 107 (1565539)

109 91 and 108 (198)

110 limit 109 to ed=20110711-20161120 (71)

Embase 1974 to 2016 Week 48 Search date 01/12/16

1 exp "disorders of mitochondrial functions"/ (32770)

2 (mitochondrial and (disease* or disorder* or myopath* or encephalomyopath* or encephalopath*)).ti,ab. (51789)

3 enchephalomyopathy/ (0)

4 ("chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia" or CPEO or (opthalmoplegia adj5 progressive)).ti,ab. (375)

5 external opthalmoplegia/ (0)

6 "cytochrome-c oxidase deficien*".ti,ab. (462)

7 "infantile myopathy".ti,ab. (20)

8 lactic acidosis/ (11181)

9 lactic acidosis.ti,ab. (7379)

10 Leber hereditary optic neuropathy/ or optic nerve atrophy/ (8241)

11 ("leber hereditary optic neuropathy" or LHON or (leber adj5 neuropath*)).ti,ab. (1242)

12 retinitis pigmentosa.ti,ab. (7325)

13 retinisis pigmentosa/ (0)

14 ataxia.ti,ab. (37565)

15 ataxia/ (25521)

16 MERRF syndrome/ (599)

17 Kearns Sayre syndrome/ (1239)

18 Leigh disease/ (2105)

19 NARP syndrome/ (188)

20 (((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 syndrome*) or ((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 disease*)).ti,ab. (3126)

21 (MIDD or MNGIE or MERRF or NARP or KSS).ti,ab. (2755)

22 (maternal* adj5 diabetes adj5 deafness).ti,ab. (218)

23 ((pyruvate adj5 carboxylase adj5 deficiency adj5 disease) or "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency disease*").ti,ab. (6)

24 or/1-23 (142101)

25 ubidecarenone/ or ubiquinone/ (14037)

26 ("coenzyme Q10" or "coenzyme Q" or "co enzyme Q10" or CoQ orCoQ10 or ubiquinone or ubidecarenone).ti,ab. (11489)

27 or/25-26 (17169)

28 24 and 27 (2952)

29 exp "disorders of mitochondrial functions"/ (32770)

30 (mitochondrial and (disease* or disorder* or myopath* or encephalomyopath* or encephalopath*)).ti,ab. (51789)

31 enchephalomyopathy/ (0)

32 ("chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia" or CPEO or (opthalmoplegia adj5 progressive)).ti,ab. (375)

33 external opthalmoplegia/ (0)

34 "cytochrome-c oxidase deficien*".ti,ab. (462)

35 "infantile myopathy".ti,ab. (20)

36 lactic acidosis/ (11181)

37 lactic acidosis.ti,ab. (7379)

38 Leber hereditary optic neuropathy/ or optic nerve atrophy/ (8241)

39 ("leber hereditary optic neuropathy" or LHON or (leber adj5 neuropath*)).ti,ab. (1242)

40 retinitis pigmentosa.ti,ab. (7325)

41 retinisis pigmentosa/ (0)

42 ataxia.ti,ab. (37565)

43 ataxia/ (25521)

44 MERRF syndrome/ (599)

45 Kearns Sayre syndrome/ (1239)

46 Leigh disease/ (2105)

47 NARP syndrome/ (188)

48 (((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 syndrome*) or ((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 disease*)).ti,ab. (3126)

49 (MIDD or MNGIE or MERRF or NARP or KSS).ti,ab. (2755)

50 (maternal* adj5 diabetes adj5 deafness).ti,ab. (218)

51 ((pyruvate adj5 carboxylase adj5 deficiency adj5 disease) or "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency disease*").ti,ab. (6)

52 or/29-51 (142101)

53 ubidecarenone/ or ubiquinone/ (14037)

54 ("coenzyme Q10" or "coenzyme Q" or "co enzyme Q10" or CoQ orCoQ10 or ubiquinone or ubidecarenone).ti,ab. (11489)

55 or/53-54 (17169)

56 52 and 55 (2952)

57 (infant* or newborn or "new-born*" or perinat or neonat or baby or babies or toddler* or minor or minors or boy or boys or boyhood or girl* or kid or kids or child or children or schoolchild* or "school age" or schoolage* or adolescen* or juvenil* or youth* or "young person*" or "young people" or youngster* or teen* or "under*age" or pubescen* or pediatric* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or preterm*).ti,ab,jw. (2625864)

58 child/ (1632862)

59 infant/ (600884)

60 adolescent/ (1403108)

61 pediatrics/ (82903)

62 or/57-61 (3742342)

63 56 and 62 (692)

64 limit 63 to english language (654)

65 nonhuman/ not human/ (3701938)

66 64 not 65 (646)

67 limit 66 to (editorial or letter) (10)

68 66 not 67 (636)

69 exp Clinical Trials/ (266512)

70 Randomization/ (83503)

71 Placebo/ (327021)

72 Double Blind Procedure/ (138148)

73 Single Blind Procedure/ (27452)

74 Crossover Procedure/ (53925)

75 ((random* or control* or clinical*) adj3 (trial* or stud*)).tw. (1297010)

76 (random* adj3 allocat*).tw. (33873)

77 placebo*.tw. (249179)

78 ((singl* or doubl* or trebl* or tripl*) adj (blind* or mask*)).tw. (196414)

79 (crossover* or (cross adj over*)).tw. (85870)

80 or/69-79 (1745911)

81 nonhuman/ not human/ (3701938)

82 80 not 81 (1687757)

83 Clinical study/ (255141)

84 Case control study/ (122832)

85 Family study/ (28253)

86 Longitudinal study/ (105793)

87 Retrospective study/ (515538)

88 comparative study/ (741516)

89 Prospective study/ (387235)

90 Randomized controlled trials/ (125077)

91 89 not 90 (382491)

92 Cohort analysis/ (301895)

93 cohort analy*.tw. (7801)

94 (Cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. (179438)

95 (Case control* adj (study or studies)).tw. (103148)

96 (follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. (53636)

97 (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. (101335)

98 (epidemiologic* adj (study or studies)).tw. (89042)

99 (cross sectional adj (study or studies)).tw. (131599)

100 case (67177)

101 (627888)

102 (574088)

103 or/83-88,91-102 (2973667)

104 68 and 82 (77)

105 68 and 103 (71)

106 104 or 105 (131)

107 28 not 106 (2821)

108 exp Clinical Trials/ (266512)

109 Randomization/ (83503)

110 Placebo/ (327021)

111 Double Blind Procedure/ (138148)

112 Single Blind Procedure/ (27452)

113 Crossover Procedure/ (53925)

114 ((random* or control* or clinical*) adj3 (trial* or stud*)).tw. (1297010)

115 (random* adj3 allocat*).tw. (33873)

116 placebo*.tw. (249179)

117 ((singl* or doubl* or trebl* or tripl*) adj (blind* or mask*)).tw. (196414)

118 (crossover* or (cross adj over*)).tw. (85870)

119 or/108-118 (1745911)

120 nonhuman/ not human/ (3701938)

121 119 not 120 (1687757)

122 107 and 121 (403)

123 (2011* or 2012* or 2013* or 2014* or 2015* or 2016*).dd. (22194878)

124 122 and 123 (223)

125 limit 124 to english language (215)

Cochrane /CRD databasesVersion: Wiley Search date: 01/12/16

#1 [mh "mitochondrial diseases"] 100

#2 (mitochondrial and (disease* or disorder* or myopath* or encephalomyopath* or encephalopath*)):ti,ab 304

#3 ("chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia" or CPEO or (opthalmoplegia adj5 progressive)):ti,ab 4

#4 "cytochrome-c oxidase deficien*":ti,ab 0

#5 "infantile myopathy":ti,ab 0

#6 [mh "acidosis, lactic"] 66

#7 lactic acidosis:ti,ab 248

#8 [mh "optic atrophy, hereditary, leber"] or [mh "optic atrophy"] 33

#9 "retinitis pigmentosa":ti,ab 125

#10 [mh "retinitis pigmentosa"] 69

#11 ataxia:ti,ab 441

#12 [mh ataxia] 157

#13 ("leber hereditary optic neuropathy" or LHON or (leber adj5 neuropath*)):ti,ab 15

#14 [mh "MERRF syndrome"] 0

#15 [mh "kearns-sayre syndrome"] 0

#16 [mh "leigh disease"] 0

#17 (((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 syndrome*) or ((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 disease*)):ti,ab 0

#18 (MIDD or MNGIE or MERRF or NARP or KSS):ti,ab 155

#19 (maternal* adj5 diabetes adj5 deafness):ti,ab 0

#20 ((pyruvate adj5 carboxylase adj5 deficiency adj5 disease) or "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency disease*"):ti,ab 0

#21 {or #1-#20} 1397

#22 [mh ubiquinone] 350

#23 ("coenzyme Q10" or "coenzyme Q" or "co enzyme Q10" or CoQ or CoQ10 or ubiquinone or ubidecarenone):ti,ab 596

#24 {or #22-#23} 655

#25 #21 and #24 78

#26 [mh "mitochondrial diseases"] 100

#27 (mitochondrial and (disease* or disorder* or myopath* or encephalomyopath* or encephalopath*)):ti,ab 304

#28 ("chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia" or CPEO or (opthalmoplegia adj5 progressive)):ti,ab 4

#29 "cytochrome-c oxidase deficien*":ti,ab 0

#30 "infantile myopathy":ti,ab 0

#31 [mh "acidosis, lactic"] 66

#32 lactic acidosis:ti,ab 248

#33 [mh "optic atrophy, hereditary, leber"] or [mh "optic atrophy"] 33

#34 "retinitis pigmentosa":ti,ab 125

#35 [mh "retinitis pigmentosa"] 69

#36 ataxia:ti,ab 441

#37 [mh ataxia] 157

#38 ("leber hereditary optic neuropathy" or LHON or (leber adj5 neuropath*)):ti,ab 15

#39 [mh "MERRF syndrome"] 0

#40 [mh "kearns-sayre syndrome"] 0

#41 [mh "leigh disease"] 0

#42 (((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 syndrome*) or ((Kearns or Leigh or Pearson or MELAS or MERRF or NARP) adj5 disease*)):ti,ab 0

#43 (MIDD or MNGIE or MERRF or NARP or KSS):ti,ab 155

#44 (maternal* adj5 diabetes adj5 deafness):ti,ab 0

#45 ((pyruvate adj5 carboxylase adj5 deficiency adj5 disease) or "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency disease*"):ti,ab 0

#46 {or #26-#45} 1397

#47 [mh ubiquinone] 350

#48 ("coenzyme Q10" or "coenzyme Q" or "co enzyme Q10" or CoQ or CoQ10 or ubiquinone or ubidecarenone):ti,ab 596

#49 {or #47-#48} 655

#50 #46 and #49 78

#51 (infant* or newborn or "new-born*" or perinat or neonat or baby or babies or toddler* or minor or minors or boy or boys or boyhood or girl* or kid or kids or child or children or schoolchild* or "school age" or schoolage* or adolescen* or juvenil* or youth* or "young person*" or "young people" or youngster* or teen* or "under*age" or pubescen* or pediatric* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or preterm*):ti,ab 115004

#52 [mh paediatrics] 0

#53 [mh child] 208

#54 [mh infant] 14681

#55 [mh adolescent] 87542

#56 {or #51-#55} 184998

#57 #50 and #56 28

#58 #25 not #57 Publication Year from 2011 to 2016 24