Terms used in this evidence summary
Terms used in this evidence summary
Modified Teacher's Drooling Scale (mTDS)
The modified Teacher's Drooling Scale (mTDS) is a 9-point scoring system measured by parents/carers. Scores range from 1 to 9, with a higher score indicates more severe drooling:
1 = Dry: never drools
2 = Mild: only the lips are wet; occasionally
3 = Mild: only the lips are wet; frequently
4 = Moderate: wet on the lips and chin; occasionally
5 = Moderate: wet on the lips and chin; frequently
6 = Severe: drools to the extent that clothing becomes damp; occasionally
7 = Severe: drools to the extent that clothing becomes damp; frequently
8 = Profuse: clothing, hands, tray, and objects become wet; occasionally
9 = Profuse: clothing, hands, tray, and objects become wet; frequently