Search strategy and evidence selection
Search strategy
1. Databases were searched from inception to April 2014 using the following keywords: 'airsonett', 'protexo', 'temperature controlled laminar airflow', and 'TLA device'. The number of citations found is in brackets after each database.
Medline (via OVID) (2), Embase (via OVID) (12), MEDLINE(R) In‑Process (via OVID) (2), CAB Abstracts (0), Web of Science Science Citation Index (1), Cochrane Library [Cochrane Reviews (2), Other Reviews (0), Trials (11), Methods Studies (0), Technology Assessments (0), Economic Evaluations (1), Cochrane Groups (0)].
These citations were sifted through to find any relevant material, using the inclusion criteria below.
2., WHO ICTRP, and Current Controlled Trials were also searched for ongoing trials.
3. Information provided by the manufacturer in supporting this briefing was checked to identify any further information.
4. The manufacturer's website was thoroughly investigated.
Evidence selection
The inclusion criteria were as follows:
Patients: adults or children with poorly controlled persistent allergic asthma.
Intervention: the Airsonett device as an add‑on to standard asthma treatment.
Comparator: standard asthma treatment without Airsonett, or any other device that is intended to reduce allergen exposure in the same setting, used as an add‑on to standard asthma treatment, or any other add‑on treatments to reduce the allergic symptoms, such as omalizumab in patients aged 6 years or older.
Outcomes: any relevant clinical outcomes and costs.
Study design: for effectiveness – any comparative study; for other aspects of the device – any, including case reports.