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    The content on this page is not current guidance and is only for the purposes of the consultation process.

    Evidence from people who have had the procedure and patient organisations

    NICE received 1 submission from patient organisations about laparoscopic insertion of an inactive implant (RefluxStop) for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease from Heartburn Cancer UK. At the time of writing, we are awaiting a final submission from OPA Cancer Charity.

    NICE received 6 questionnaires from people who have had the procedure (or their carers).

    1 person who has had the procedure raised the following issues about the safety and efficacy of the procedure, which was not in the published evidence or the opinions of professional experts:

    • They had shoulder pain for a few weeks after the operation. This has almost resolved 4 months after the operation.

    Otherwise, the patient survey results from those who had the procedure were very positive about the efficacy and impact of the procedure. See the patient commentary summary for more information.