Information for the public

What should happen after I have been assessed?

What should happen after I have been assessed?

Developing a care plan

After your assessment, you may be supported by a community mental health team who will develop a care plan with you. The plan should include:

  • activities to increase or maintain your social contact, such as education, work, volunteering, caring for family members or leisure activities

  • what you can do to keep well

  • how to cope with and reduce any risks to yourself or others.

Health and social care professionals should support you in carrying out your care plan and should give you a printed copy. You should also be able to see or have a copy of your care record whenever you wish. This should contain a section where you can record your views and preferences. You can also record any disagreements between you and your health and social care professionals.

If there is a risk you may have a crisis, there should also be a crisis plan, which should include:

  • how to manage your symptoms, such as recognising warning signs that might suggest a setback or a crisis

  • details of any advance statements and advance decisions

  • the support available to enable you to carry on your treatment in the community rather than in hospital

  • whether your family or carer is involved in your care

  • the names of professionals involved in your care

  • where you would prefer to go if you need to stay in hospital for treatment and care

  • details of any practical needs you have, such as care of children and other relatives or pets.


You should usually receive all your care and treatment from one community mental health team.

You should be offered the psychological treatments and drug treatments recommended for your mental health problem in NICE guidance. Psychological treatments should be culturally appropriate.

Other support

If you have children, you should be offered childcare so that you can attend appointments and support groups. If you are pregnant or have had a baby in the past year, you may be offered care in a local mother and baby unit.

If appropriate for you, health and social care professionals should advise you about having a personal budget or direct payment so you can choose and control any care and support from social services.

  • Information Standard