About this information
NICE clinical guidelines advise the NHS on caring for people with specific conditions or diseases and the treatments they should receive. The information applies to people using the NHS in England and Wales.
This information explains the advice set out in NICE clinical guideline 170 about managing autism in children and young people. NICE has also produced information for the public on diagnosing autism in children and young people (see http://publications.nice.org.uk/IFP128).
All of the treatment and care that NICE recommends is in line with the NHS Constitution (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-nhs-constitution-for-england).
Does this information apply to me?
Yes, if you are:
a child or young person (up to age 18) with autism
a parent, carer or family member of a child or young person with autism.
This information has been written mainly for older children and young people, but parents, carers and family members should read all the information to understand the care the child or young person should be offered. NICE has also made specific recommendations about supporting parents and carers and pre\u2011\school children.