A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Stakeholder list updated
Surveillance consultation
Surveillance consultation
Management of in children and young people: health economic plan, review questions and search strategies
Management of in children and young people: health economic plan, review questions and search strategies
Management of in children and young people: search strategies - clinical economic (PDF 526 KB)
Management of in children and young people: search strategies - health economic (PDF 367 KB)
Management of in children and young people: review questions (PDF 270 KB)
Management of in children and young people: health economic plan (PDF 7 KB)
Management of in children and young people: guideline development and consultation
Management of in children and young people: guideline development and consultation
Management of in children and young people: consultation comments table and responses (PDF 1.9 MB)
Management of in children and young people: Guideline EIA (PDF 146 KB)
Management of in children and young people: guideline consultation information
Management of in children and young people: appendices
Management of in children and young people: appendix 1 - 13 (PDF 1000 KB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 14a (PDF 1.54 MB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 14b (PDF 1.24 MB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 14c (PDF 777 KB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 14d (PDF 943 KB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 14e (PDF 306 KB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 14f (PDF 184 KB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 15 (PDF 5.97 MB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 16 (PDF 4.4 MB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 17 (PDF 168 KB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 18 (PDF 142 KB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 19 (PDF 8.16 MB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 20 (PDF 820 KB)
Management of in children and young people: appendix 21 (PDF 267 KB)
Management of in children and young people: NICE version (PDF 458 KB)
Management of in children and young people: full version (PDF 6.69 MB)
Management of in children and young people: GDG meeting minutes
Management of in children and young people: GDG 7 (PDF 76 KB)
Management of in children and young people: GDG 6 (PDF 76 KB)
Management of in children and young people: GDG 5 (PDF 77 KB)
Management of in children and young people: GDG 4 (PDF 76 KB)
Management of in children and young people: GDG 3 (PDF 76 KB)
Management of in children and young people: GDG 1 (PDF 52 KB)
Management of in children and young people: GDG membership list (PDF 73 KB)
Management of in children and young people: scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Management of in children and young people: scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Management of in children and young people: consultation comments (PDF 575 KB)
Management of in children and young people: equalities impact assessment (scoping) (PDF 119 KB)
Management of in children and young people: final scope (PDF 77 KB)
Management of in children and young people: scope consultation information
Management of in children and young people: draft scope (PDF 76 KB)
Management of in children and young people: list of registered stakeholders (PDF 98 KB)
Management of in children and young people: scoping workshop notes (PDF 136 KB)