A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Surveillance consultation
Stakeholder list updated
Intravenous fluid therapy: guideline development and consultation
Intravenous fluid therapy: guideline development and consultation
Intravenous fluids therapy: guideline consultation comments table with responses (PDF 852 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: health economic plan, search strategies and review questions
Intravenous fluid therapy: health economic plan (PDF 197 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: Guideline Development Group minutes
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 12 minutes - 7 January 2013 (PDF 32 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 11 minutes - 12 December 2012 (PDF 31 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 9 and 10 minutes - 3-4 October 2012 (PDF 34 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 7 minutes - 7 June 2012 (PDF 33 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 8 minutes - 12 July 2012 (PDF 77 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 6 minutes - 17 April 2012 (PDF 35 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 5 minutes - 29 February 2012 (PDF 35 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 1 minutes - 1 September 2011 (PDF 34 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 2 minutes - 17 October 2011 (PDF 34 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 3 minutes - 15 December 2011 (PDF 34 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: GDG 4 minutes - 18 January 2012 (PDF 35 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: guideline consultation information
Intravenous fluid therapy: scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Intravenous fluid therapy: scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Intravenous fluid therapy: scope consultation table (PDF 456 KB)
Intravenous fluid therapy: scoping workshop notes (PDF 385 KB)