About this information
NICE clinical guidelines advise the NHS on caring for people who use health services. The information applies to people using the NHS in England and Wales.
The NICE guideline contains recommendations about general principles for managing intravenous (IV) fluids, and applies to a range of conditions and different health settings. It does not include recommendations relating to specific conditions.
This information explains the advice about intravenous (IV) fluid therapy for people in hospital that is set out in NICE clinical guideline 174.
All of the treatment and care that NICE recommends is in line with the NHS Constitution (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-nhs-constitution-for-england). NICE has also produced advice on improving the experience of care for adults using the NHS. For more information, see 'About care in the NHS' on our website (www.nice.org.uk/nhscare).
Does this information apply to me?
Yes, if you are in hospital, you are older than 16 and you need IV fluid therapy.
No, if you are pregnant, you have severe chronic kidney or liver disease, diabetes or burns, you have a brain injury or need brain surgery, or you need drugs called inotropes to support your blood circulation. The general principles for managing IV fluid therapy apply, but the guideline does not cover specific conditions.