Evidence generation plan for artificial intelligence-derived software to analyse chest X-rays for suspected lung cancer in primary care referrals

3 Ongoing studies

Table 1 summarises the available information on evidence gaps and ongoing studies that might address them. More information on the studies in the table can be found in the supporting documents.

Table 1 Summary of the evidence gaps and ongoing studies

Evidence gap

AI-Rad (Siemens Healthineers)

Red Dot (Behold.ai)

Lunit INSIGHT CXR (Lunit)

qXR (Qure.ai)

Impact of software on clinical decision making and number of people referred to have a CT scan

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

Ongoing study

Time from chest X-ray review and report

No relevant evidence identified

Limited current evidence

No relevant evidence identified

Ongoing study

No relevant evidence identified

Ongoing study

Time to CT referral 

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

Ongoing study

No relevant evidence identified

Ongoing study

Time to diagnosis 

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

Ongoing study

Diagnostic accuracy, agreement, and technical failure rates

Limited current evidence

Limited current evidence

Limited current evidence

Ongoing study

No relevant evidence identified

Ongoing studies

Software impact on healthcare costs and resource use

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

Ongoing study

Software performance for people with underlying conditions and high-risk groups

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

Clinician and patient perceptions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-derived software

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

No relevant evidence identified

Information about current evidence status is from the external assessment group (EAG) report. Evidence not meeting the scope and inclusion criteria is not included.

The following technologies did not have evidence that met the scope and inclusion criteria for these evidence gaps: Annalise CXR (annalise.ai), Auto Lung Nodule Detection (Samsung), Chestlink Radiology Automation (Oxipit), Chestview (GLEAMER), Chest X-ray (Rayscape), InferRead DR Chest (Infervision), Milvue Suite (Milvue), SenseCare-Chest DR Pro (Sensetime), and VUNO Med-Chest X-ray (VUNO).

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