Evidence generation plan for artificial intelligence-derived software to analyse chest X-rays for suspected lung cancer in primary care referrals

5 Implementation considerations

The following considerations around implementing the evidence generation process have been identified through working with system partners.

  • Developers should provide training for staff in using the artificial intelligence (AI)-derived software.

  • Potential barriers to implementation include:

    • the availability of research funds for data collection, analysis and reporting

    • the availability of NHS funding to cover the costs of implementing the technology in clinical practice

    • lack of expertise and staff to collect data

    • burden on clinical staff; the need to have a training ahead of its implementation, data collection and follow‑up

    • differences in practice between large tertiary referral centres and smaller hospitals

    • differences in skill and experience among staff members when interpreting a report and defining severity of risk

    • possible governance issues because the software needs to send images and personal data to a cloud-based server before emitting a report

    • the software may not be compatible with other computer packages and different scanners used in the NHS (for example, NHS PACS [Picture Archiving and Communication System] systems)

    • the availability and ability of NHS information technology departments to install the software.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-5365-3

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