1 Recommendations

1 Recommendations

NICE medical technologies guidance addresses specific technologies notified to NICE by sponsors. The 'case for adoption' is based on the claimed advantages of introducing the specific technology compared with current management of the condition. This case is reviewed against the evidence submitted and expert advice. If the case for adopting the technology is supported, then the technology has been found to offer advantages to patients and the NHS. The specific recommendations on individual technologies are not intended to limit use of other relevant technologies which may offer similar advantages.


The case for adopting the EXOGEN ultrasound bone healing system to treat long bone fractures with non-union (failure to heal after 9 months) is supported by the clinical evidence, which shows high rates of fracture healing.


The EXOGEN ultrasound bone healing system to treat long bone fractures with non-union is associated with an estimated cost saving of £2,407 per patient compared with current management, through avoiding surgery. [2019]


There is some radiological evidence of improved healing when the EXOGEN ultrasound bone healing system is used for long bone fractures with delayed healing (no radiological evidence of healing after approximately 3 months). There are substantial uncertainties about the rate at which bone healing progresses without adjunctive treatment between 3 and 9 months after fracture, and about whether or not surgery would be necessary. These uncertainties result in a range of cost consequences, some cost saving and others that are more costly than current management (see sections 5.12, 5.19 and 5.26 on cost considerations).