For the guidance review, the external assessment centre (EAC) revised the model to reflect 2017 costs (original guidance values are given in brackets). The main parameter changes were the cost of the MiraQ console £34,000 (£32,000) and probes £1,481 (£1,582) with 50 uses (30 uses). These costs resulted in a MiraQ system cost of about £141 (£111) per procedure. The cost of the time taken to perform a minor revision was estimated to be £24 (£11), and for major revisions, £396 (£180). Treatment costs of postoperative myocardial infarction and associated rehabilitation costs were estimated to be £2,031 (£1,667) per patient and treatment cost by intra-aortic balloon pumping was estimated to be £2,574 (£2,657) per episode. Base-case results for the 2017 revised model shows the cost saving associated with the MiraQ system was £141 (£115) per patient. Further details of the 2017 revised model are in the revised model summary. [2018]