Recommendations for research

The guideline committee has made the following key recommendations for research.

1 Length of postpartum stay and first midwife visit after transfer of care

How does the length of postpartum stay and the timing of the first midwife visit after transfer of care affect unplanned or emergency health contacts for women and babies?

For a short explanation of why the committee made this recommendation for research, see the .

Full details of the recommendation for research are in evidence review A: length of postpartum stay.

See also the .

Full details of the recommendation for research are in evidence review C: timing of first postnatal contact by midwife.

2 Timing of first health visitor visit

What is the most effective timing of the first postnatal contact by a health visitor?

For a short explanation of why the committee made this recommendation for research, see the .

Full details of the recommendation for research are in evidence review D: timing of first postnatal contact by health visitor.

3 Clinical tools to assess women's health

What tools for the clinical review of women (including pain scores) are effective during the first 8 weeks after birth?

For a short explanation of why the committee made this recommendation for research, see the .

Full details of the recommendation for research are in evidence review H: tools for the clinical review of women.

4 Perineal pain

What characteristics of perineal pain suggest the need for further evaluation?

For a short explanation of why the committee made this recommendation for research, see the .

Full details of the recommendation for research are in evidence review J: perineal pain.

5 Breastfeeding support for parents with twins or triplets

What support with breastfeeding do parents of twins or triplets find helpful?

For a short explanation of why the committee made this recommendation for research, see the .

Full details of the recommendation for research are in evidence review S: breastfeeding information and support.