A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Stakeholder list updated
Declaration of interests
Guidance published
Draft guidance consultation
Evidence review C: Timing of first postnatal contact by midwife (PDF 1.21 MB)
Evidence review D: Timing of first postnatal contact by health visitor (PDF 619 KB)
Evidence review E: Timing of comprehensive assessment (PDF 703 KB)
Evidence review F: Content of postnatal care contacts (PDF 1.82 MB)
Evidence review G: Content of postnatal care contacts (PDF 1.48 MB)
Evidence review H: Tools for the clinical review of women (PDF 712 KB)
Evidence review I: Assessment of secondary postpartum haemorrhage (PDF 692 KB)
Evidence review K: Information for lactation suppression (PDF 650 KB)
Evidence review L: Signs and symptoms of serious illness in babies (PDF 1.09 MB)
Evidence review L2: Scoring systems for illness in babies (PDF 1.48 MB)
Evidence review M: Benefits and harms of bed sharing (PDF 1.65 MB)
Evidence review N: Evidence review for co-sleeping risk factors (PDF 1.69 MB)
Evidence review P: Breastfeeding interventions (PDF 6.84 MB)
Evidence review P: Breastfeeding interventions [Appendix D Clinical evidence tables] (PDF 3.22 MB)
Evidence review Q: Breastfeeding facilitators and barriers (PDF 2.5 MB)
Evidence review R: Tools for predicting breastfeeding difficulties (PDF 910 KB)
Evidence review S: Breastfeeding information and support (PDF 2.7 MB)
Evidence review T: Formula feeding information and support (PDF 1.5 MB)
Pre-consultation documents released
Committee meetings
Committee meeting