Evidence review
Review and download supporting evidence. Includes the full guideline if available.
Supporting evidence
B: Skin care advice for people with acne vulgaris (PDF 1.14 MB)
C: Dietary interventions for the treatment of acne vulgaris (PDF 1.08 MB)
E1: Management options for mild to moderate acne – network meta-analyses (PDF 8.77 MB)
E2: Management options for mild to moderate acne – pairwise comparisons (PDF 3.16 MB)
F1: Management options for moderate to severe acne – network meta-analyses (PDF 6.71 MB)
F2: Management options for moderate to severe acne – pairwise comparisons (PDF 2.8 MB)
G: Management options for people with acne vulgaris and polycystic ovary syndrome (PDF 1.64 MB)
K: Intralesional corticosteroids for the treatment of individual acne vulgaris lesions (PDF 502 KB)
L: Risk factors for scarring due to acne vulgaris (PDF 577 KB)
M: Management of acne vulgaris-associated scarring (PDF 2.97 MB)
Supplement 4 (evidence review E1, appendix M): NMA data (mild to moderate acne) (Excel 152 KB)
Supplement 8 (evidence review F1, appendix M): NMA data (moderate to severe acne) (Excel 114 KB)