Evidence review
Review and download supporting evidence. Includes the full guideline if available.
Supporting evidence
B: Transport to a distant specialist neuroscience centre (PDF 1.1 MB)
D: Clinical decision rules selecting people with head injury for imaging (PDF 4.63 MB)
F: Brain injury biomarkers and/or MRI for predicting post-concussion syndrome (PDF 3.46 MB)
G: Brain injury biomarkers for predicting acute post-brain injury complications (PDF 3.75 MB)
H: CT, MRI and X-ray of the cervical spine in people with head injury – diagnostic (PDF 3.27 MB)
J: Admission and observation of people with concussion symptoms (PDF 635 KB)
K: Hospital admission in people with small intracranial injuries (PDF 2.86 MB)
M: Identification of hypopituitarism (who to investigate) (PDF 1.19 MB)
N: Identification of hypopituitarism (when to investigate) (PDF 683 KB)
Economic analysis
Surveillance report
Appendix A: Summary of evidence from surveillance (PDF 598 KB)
2019 surveillance of head injury: assessment and early management (NICE guideline CG176)
Appendix B: Stakeholder consultation comments table (PDF 299 KB)
Surveillance report 2017 – Head injury: assessment and early management (2014) NICE guideline CG176
Full guidance