Surveillance report
Review and download supporting evidence. Includes the full guideline if available.
Supporting evidence
2022 exceptional surveillance of preterm labour and birth (NICE guideline NG25)
2020 Surveillance of preterm labour and birth (NICE guideline NG25)
Appendix A: Summary of evidence from surveillance (PDF 525 KB)
Appendix B: Stakeholder consultation comments table (PDF 849 KB)
Surveillance report (exceptional review) 2017 – Preterm labour and birth (2015) NICE guideline NG25
Other supporting evidence
Appendix 1: Recommendations that have been deleted (June 2022 update) (PDF 85 KB)
Supplement 2: National Guideline Alliance staff (PDF 177 KB)
Evidence review
A: Clinical effectiveness of prophylactic progesterone in preventing preterm labour (PDF 929 KB)
Full guidance
Appendices A–G – Methods, evidence and recommendations (PDF 9.97 MB)
Appendices I & J – Methods, evidence and recommendations (PDF 7.05 MB)