A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Guidance published
Stakeholder list updated
Committee list updated
Declaration of interests
Committee meetings
Draft guidance consultation
Pre-consultation documents released
Update on 02 August 2019
Surveillance consultation
Declaration of interests
Guidance published
Stakeholder list updated
Draft guidance consultation
Supporting documentation - Committee DOI registry (PDF 949 KB)
Committee list updated
Committee meeting
Original development on 20 November 2015
Equality impact assessment uploaded
Consultation comments published
Pre-term labour and birth: equality impact assessment
Pre-term labour and birth: equality impact assessment (PDF 100 KB)
Consultation on the draft guidance
Consultation on the draft guidance
Pre-term labour and birth: equality impact assessment (PDF 227 KB)
Pre-term labour and birth: draft guideline (NICE) (PDF 477 KB)
Health economic plan
Health economic plan
Pre-term labour and birth: stakeholder list
Development and consultation
Development and consultation
GDG minutes
Preterm labour birth: Guideline Development Group membership list (PDF 13 KB)
Pre-term labour and birth: scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Pre-term labour and birth: scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Pre-term labour and birth: scoping workshop notes (PDF 287 KB)