Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: the care you should expect
This information explains the care that NICE has said works best for people aged 16 and over who have, or may have, non‑Hodgkin lymphoma. It will help you, your family and carers know what to expect from health and care services.
Why is this important for you?
NICE aims to help people to get the best care, no matter who they are or where they live. This NICE advice is about:
finding out if you have non‑Hodgkin lymphoma, and which type you have
deciding which treatment, or combination of treatments, would work best for you
getting the support and information you need when you are diagnosed, during your treatment and afterwards.
Your healthcare team should know what NICE has said. Talk to them if you don't think you are getting the care NICE has said you should have.
What this advice covers
There are many types of non‑Hodgkin lymphoma. The sections about diagnosis, making decisions about your care, which type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma you have, where it is in your body and after your treatment are for people with any type.
Different types of non‑Hodgkin lymphoma need different treatments. This information doesn't tell you about every test and treatment that might be used for every kind of non‑Hodgkin lymphoma. For this guideline, NICE looked at the most common types, which are:
Speak to your healthcare team for advice about specific tests and treatments that may be right for you. See also where can I find out more?
Medical words used in this information are described in medical terms explained.