Important information about this guidance

This information explains the care that NICE has said works best for people with learning disabilities who have mental health problems. It is written for the parents, family members, carers and care workers of anyone with learning disabilities and mental health problems. It will help you find out what care you should expect from health, social care and educational services. NICE has also produced an easy read version of this information for people with learning disabilities.

Family members and carers will normally be involved in care for people with learning disabilities. However, there may be rare situations when a person with learning disabilities who can make decisions about their own care does not want their family or carers to be involved. Read more about how people can be involved in making decisions about their care on the NICE website.

Staff should be aware of what NICE has said. Talk to your doctor if you don't think the person you care for is getting the care NICE has said they should have. The person you care for may also be able to get help from an advocate. Read more about advocates on the NHS website.

This information is about the extra things staff need to do for people with learning disabilities. It doesn't go into detail on different mental health problems (such as depression or anxiety). If the person you care for has a mental health problem, your healthcare professional should give you more information about it.

Additional resources

  • Information Standard