Evidence review
Review and download supporting evidence. Includes the full guideline if available.
Supporting evidence
Surveillance report
Appendix A: Changes to recommendations on testing for diabetes across NICE guidelines (PDF 143 KB)
Appendix A: Summary of evidence from surveillance (PDF 706 KB)
Appendix B: Stakeholder consultation comments table (PDF 265 KB)
Surveillance report 2017 – Bipolar disorder: assessment and management (2014) NICE guideline CG185
Full guidance
Appendix 11: Case identification – study characteristics and risk of bias tables (PDF 270 KB)
Appendix 12: Interventions for mania – study characteristics (PDF 237 KB)
Appendix 13: Interventions for mania – forest plots (PDF 231 KB)
Appendix 14: Nutritional and physical interventions for mania – GRADE profiles (PDF 224 KB)
Appendix 16: Interventions for acute depression – study characteristics (PDF 331 KB)
Appendix 17: Interventions for acute depression – risk of bias table (PDF 220 KB)
Appendix 19: Interventions for long-term management – study characteristics (PDF 343 KB)
Appendix 20: Interventions for long-term management – risk of bias table (PDF 201 KB)
Appendix 21: Interventions for long-term management – forest plots (PDF 1.57 MB)
Appendix 22: Interventions for long-term management – GRADE profiles (PDF 1.08 MB)
Appendix 23: Psychological and psychosocial interventions – study characteristics (PDF 237 KB)
Appendix 24: Psychological and psychosocial interventions – risk of bias table (PDF 234 KB)
Appendix 25: Psychological and psychosocial interventions – forest plots (PDF 1.69 MB)
Appendix 26: Psychological and psychosocial interventions – GRADE profiles (PDF 566 KB)
Appendix 27: Interventions for children and young people – study characteristics (PDF 289 KB)
Appendix 28: Interventions for children and young people – risk of bias table (PDF 103 KB)
Appendix 29: Interventions for children and young people – forest plots (PDF 412 KB)
Appendix 30: Interventions for children and young people – GRADE profiles (PDF 395 KB)
Appendix 31: Health economics – methodology checklists for economic evaluations (PDF 637 KB)
Appendix 32: Health economics – evidence tables (PDF 445 KB)
Appendix 33: Health economics – economic evidence profiles (PDF 315 KB)
Appendix 36: Pharmacological interventions for mania - sensitivity analysis (PDF 214 KB)