A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Surveillance consultation
Stakeholder list updated
Bipolar disorder (update): equality impact assessment (recommendations)
Bipolar disorder (update): consultation comments
Bipolar disorder (update): guideline development and consultation
Bipolar disorder (update): guideline development and consultation
Bipolar disorder (update): clinical search strategies (PDF 219 KB)
Bipolar disorder (update): health economic search strategies (PDF 197 KB)
Bipolar disorder (update): GDG meeting minutes
Bipolar disorder (update): guideline consultation information
Bipolar Disorder (update): draft full guideline appendices
Bipolar Disorder (update): draft full guideline appendices 1-10 information
Bipolar Disorder (update): draft full guideline appendices 1-10 (PDF 584 KB)
Bipolar Disorder (update): draft full guideline appendices 11-19 information
Bipolar Disorder (update): draft full guideline appendices 11-19 (PDF 1.77 MB)
Bipolar Disorder (update): draft full guideline appendices 20-29 information
Bipolar Disorder (update): draft full guideline appendices 20-29 (PDF 5.35 MB)
Bipolar Disorder (update): draft full guideline appendices 30-34 information
Bipolar Disorder (update): draft full guideline appendices 30-34 (PDF 1.28 MB)
Bipolar disorder (update): scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Bipolar disorder (update): scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Biploar disorder (update): equalities impact assessment (scoping) (PDF 47 KB)
Biploar disorder (update): scope consultation comments table with developer's responses (PDF 297 KB)
Biploar disorder (update): scoping workshop notes (PDF 65 KB)