A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Committee list updated
Stakeholder list updated
Declaration of interests
Guidance published
Draft guidance consultation
Pre-consultation documents released
Committee meetings
Committee meeting: 1
Committee meeting: 2
Committee meeting: 3
Scope published
Update on 16 January 2024
Equality and health inequalities
Committee list updated
Declaration of interests
Stakeholder list updated
Expected publication
Guidance published
Equality and health inequalities assessment further surgery update (PDF 295 KB)
Draft guidance consultation
Pre-consultation documents released
Scope published
Committee meeting
Update on 14 June 2023
Stakeholder list updated
Guidance published
Declaration of interests
Draft guidance consultation
Pre-consultation documents released
Scope published
Committee meeting
Committee meeting: 2
Update on 05 April 2023
Stakeholder list updated
Declaration of interests
Guidance published
Draft guidance consultation
Scope published
Pre-consultation documents released
Committee meeting
Committee meeting
Original development on 18 July 2018
Surveillance consultation
Stakeholder list updated
Expected publication
Guidance published
Equality and health inequalities assessment
Draft guidance consultation
Supporting documentation Health economics literature review (PDF 622 KB)
Committee list updated
Pre-consultation documents released
Stakeholder list updated
Stakeholder list updated
Scope published
Draft scope consultation
Scoping workshop
Committee meeting
Committee meeting: 7 (2 day meeting)
Committee meeting: 8 (2 day meeting)
Committee meeting: 9 (2 day meeting)
Committee meeting: 10 (2 day meeting)
Committee meeting: 11 (2-day meeting)