A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Guidance published
Stakeholder list updated
Declaration of interests
Draft guidance consultation: (Nov 2021)
Supporting documentation - Glossary and abbreviations (PDF 688 KB)
Supporting documentation - Economic evidence Included & excluded studies (Excel 52 KB)
Supporting documentation - Staff and contributors (PDF 215 KB)
Supporting documentation - Less severe depression (PDF 161 KB)
Supporting documentation - More severe depression (PDF 155 KB)
Committee list updated
Pre-consultation documents released
Committee meetings
Committee meeting
Review documents
Scope published
Consultation comments published
Draft guidance consultation: (May 2018)
Consultation comments and responses 1st consultation period (PDF 11.27 MB)
Addendum appendix H - Search strategies for clinical evidence (PDF 361 KB)
Addendum appendix I - Search strategies for economic evidence (PDF 295 KB)
Addendum appendix J3.2 - Risk of bias summary table by network (PDF 1.34 MB)
Addendum appendix K - Clinical evidence flow charts (PDF 260 KB)
Addendum appendix L - Clinical evidence GRADE profiles (PDF 9.05 MB)
Addendum appendix M - Clinical evidence forest plots (PDF 8.02 MB)
Addendum appendix N1 - NMA treatments for new episode depression - methods & results (PDF 6.43 MB)
Addendum appendix S - Economic evidence - list of excluded studies (Excel 22 KB)
Addendum appendix T - References to studies 2009 & 2004 (PDF 1.66 MB)
Addendum appendix U1 - Text from CG90 full guideline that has been deleted (PDF 9.69 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.1 - Text from CG90 appendices that has been deleted (PDF 1.14 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.2- Text from CG90 Appendix 15 that has been deleted (PDF 860 KB)
Addendum appendix U2.3 - Text from CG90 Appendix 16a that has been deleted (PDF 737 KB)
Addendum appendix U2.4 - Text from CG90 Appendix 16b that has been deleted (PDF 6.56 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.5 - Text from CG90 Appendix 16c that has been deleted (PDF 5.31 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.6 - Text from CG90 Appendix 15d that has been deleted (PDF 1.78 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.7 - Text from CG90 Appendix 17a that has been deleted (PDF 1.39 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.8 - Text from CG90 Appendix 17b that has been deleted (PDF 3.02 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.9 - Text from CG90 Appendix 17c that has been deleted (PDF 6.32 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.10 - Text from CG90 Appendix 17d that has been deleted (PDF 1.06 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.11 - Text from CG90 Appendix 19a that has been deleted (PDF 1.6 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.12 - Text from CG90 Appendix 19b that has been deleted (PDF 5.65 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.13 - Text from CG90 Appendix 19c that has been deleted (PDF 8.49 MB)
Addendum appendix U2.14 - Text from CG90 Appendix 19d that has been deleted (PDF 1.75 MB)
Addendum appendix U3 - recommendations from CG90 that have been deleted or changed (PDF 599 KB)
Draft guidance consultation: (July 2017)
Pre-consultation documents released
Equality and health inequalities assessment
Depression in adults (update): the scope
Depression in adults (update): the scope
Depression in adults (update): final scope
Depression in adults (update): scope consultation comments and responses (PDF 734 KB)
Depression in adults (update): equality impact assessment (PDF 166 KB)
Depression in adults (update): scope consultation information
Depression in adults (update): scoping workshop notes (PDF 487 KB)
Depression in adults (update): the guideline committee
Depression in adults (update): the guideline committee
Depression in adults (update): committee meeting minutes 1 (PDF 268 KB)
Depression in adults (update): committee membership (PDF 91 KB)